34 adverbs to describe how to graceful

Under all conditions, sheltered or storm-beaten, well-fed or ill-fed, this tree is singularly graceful in habit.

It never degenerates to the grotesque or absurd buffo of the Italians, but is always exquisitely graceful, simple, touching and natural.

There are not many whose minds are so obtuse as to be blind to its peculiarly graceful attitude and motions, and every one is familiar with its history, as recorded in poetry and romance, all the incidents of which have served to elevate it above any association with fashion or vulgarity.

Her tall, slender form was exceedingly graceful and willowy, her personality dainty and refined, her temperament under ordinary conditions essentially sweet and agreeable.

Independently of the value of these enormous claws (the largest as long as a man's middle finger) as an evidence of prowess, they formed a remarkably graceful collar, which Dick wore round his neck ever after with as much pride as if he had been a Pawnee warrior.

And she seemed to him so delicately graceful, with her slender throat, in her divine bloom!

"Marvellously graceful.

Our first thought as we study this small, strikingly graceful animal, is wonder that such a high degree of specialization and perfection was reached at so early a period; our second thought is the reverence for age sentiment.

But she was more sumptuous still, with only the lilylike satin of her skin, her tall, slender figure, her round, slender throat, her supple arms, divinely graceful.

She was wonderfully graceful and good to look at in her easy attitude.

And he often wished he was clever enough to be an artist with the talent to paint the unconsciously graceful groups in the sharply divided light and shadow of the wings as he saw them.

Fourth, amongst so much merely graceful verse, there are not wanting touches here and there of genuine poetry.

The floor of the church is many feet above the ground, and the entrance was originally protected by a drawbridge and portcullis; but these military works were removed in the sixteenth century, and in their place was raised, upon a perron reached by a double flight of steps, a baldachino-like porch as airily graceful and delicately florid as the body to which it is so lightly attached is majestically stern and scornful of ornament.

How negligently graceful he unreins His verse, and writes in loose familiar strains!

Queenly, graceful, and of touching loveliness did she look in her vehemence of sorrowradiant as sunlight in her days of joy she must have beenas she stood up, affection-prompted, regardless of self, of the world, to make one last effort to save her affianced husband.

It must be confessed that Wordsworth is not always melodious; that he is seldom graceful, and only occasionally inspired.

It also had smoothly graceful brass handles, and a surface delicious to the touch.

Not always strictly in tune, not specially graceful, slow in delivery, even beyond the requirements of a dignified style, he impressed the audience rather by the volume and richness of his tones and by a certain reserved force, than by any unusual excellence in execution.

Their poses were strangely graceful, and some had a touch of stateliness.

Her hair was light brown, her eyes hazel, her features regular, and her person surpassingly graceful.

On another side of the room was a grand piano, open, and covered with the latest music, and sometimes played on in a surprisingly graceful manner by the fat fingers of Matthew Maltboy.

But his version of the Psalms is in good and various verse, not unfrequently graceful, sometimes fine.

Even now I see her as she used to step out on the veranda,the lithe Indian girl, rivalling the choicest "desert- flower" of Arabia in the rich darkness of her eyes and hair, and in the warm mantling of her golden-ripe complexion,unutterably graceful in the thorough-bred ease of her elastic movements,Zosime MacGillivray, perfect type and model of the style and beauty of the brulée.

Sonny, he seemed to think it was mighty graceful the way she done it, an' he's often imitated it in his little sleepnights when he'd eat hot waffles for his supper.

Magdalen Brant made a curiously graceful gesture, as though throwing something to the ground from her empty hand.

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