6 adverbs to describe how to gregarious

He was acquainted with a great many people; he had a recognized social standing, was somewhat cleverer than the average man, and his instincts, while refined by education and experience, were decidedly gregarious and toward hearty companionship.

The habits of the Americans being essentially gregarious, and business teaching the truism that a cent saved is a cent gained, hackney coaches are comparatively little used by the men; for it must be remembered that idlers in this country are an invisible minority of the community!

Besides, men and women of strong personal character are not usually indiscriminately gregarious.

Generous and weak natures are prone to pass without transition from one extreme to another; so from an intensely gregarious feeling Clerambault had jumped at one bound to the extreme of individual isolation.

A really intelligent nation might be held together by far stronger forces than are derived from the purely gregarious instincts.

These birds are remarkably gregarious, sometimes as many as a hundred nests being found in one tree (see Eduard Mühlenpfort, Versuch einer getreuen Schilderung der Republik Mexiko, Bd.

6 adverbs to describe how to  gregarious  - Adverbs for  gregarious