7 adverbs to describe how to grit

His lovely acquaintance of the preceding evening had ensnared him completely with her gentle smile and her winsome mouth, and he gritted his teeth grimly as he reflected how easy he had been.

But this was in the days when shells were very, very precious things, and gunners had to grit their teeth helplessly, doling out round by round, while the German gun- and rifle-fire did its worst.

Only now and then, of coursewhen I am not quite myself; when the two and thirty (what remains of them) are not so firmly gritted as they should be; when even London seems unworthy of devotion.

Why the devil didn't you call your man down?" "I knocked him down," gritted the superintendent, savagely, "and I'd have beat his face in for him if there hadn't been two of them.

Like danger-lamps her blue eyes glowed, As thro' the whirling gloom she rode, Her laboring breath drawn sharply in; Pitted against yon rushing wheels Were tireless grit and trusty heels, And with God's favor they might win!

she cried, "Grit warn't dirty underneath!"

There was in her character precisely that grit which Iris lacked; and we wanted to know what it would do for her.

7 adverbs to describe how to  grit  - Adverbs for  grit