62 adverbs to describe how to groaned

Yet, even so, needs must he behold the slim, white beauty of her, the rippling splendour of her hair, and the deep, shy sadness of her eyes, and, because of her beauty he trembled, and because of her falsity he groaned aloud.

" He now groaned heavily, and his last words were: "I die, pursued by unrelenting fate, The hapless victim of a father's hate.

Over in the corner, wrapped in skins, lay a man on the floor groaning faintly.

" Billie groaned inwardly and seemed about to speak, but Violet stopped her with a hand on her arm.

It almost hurt him to part with five cents to the conductor, and as he looked at the hansoms dashing by with lucky winners inside he groaned audibly.

" Mea's voice joined them with loud exclamation against Lippo, who was trying hard to pull his mother back, groaning loudly all the time.

In the Sahara, by a lonely well, in the midst of boundless sterility, where the curse on earth seems to have burnt blackest, a camel passes every night groaning piteously, and wandering about in search of its murdered master, so the tale was told me.

Then the old man groaned dismally, shaking his side-whiskers with a negative expression that might have conveyed worlds of meaning to one able to interpret it.

Dárá still breathed; and when he lifted up his eyes and beheld Sikander, he groaned deeply.

When they had gone, Cannouse groaned most bitterly, and trembled from head to foot at the thought of his narrow escape.

She groaned feebly, and her eyes were red with weeping.

Suddenly the captain and Shirley were startled by a deep groan behind them, and, turning, saw the negro sitting upon the sand, his knees drawn up to his face, and groaning grievously.

Bound in thy adamantine chain, The proud are taught to taste of pain, And purple tyrants vainly groan With pangs unfelt before, unpitied and alone. When first thy sire to send on earth Virtue, his darling child, designed, To thee he gave the heavenly birth, And bade to form her infant mind.

Then, sitting down, he groaned forth, "'Oh, Eunice, you have broken my heart!'

ough!" groaned the old woman; "he wants to go, away from the nest where he was warmed, and nursed, and brought up.

He is groaning dreadfully.'

" "More good news," groaned Abdul miserably, winding his clasped fingers to and fro.

I visited one room, the long table in which literally groaned with the riches of "Ormuz and of Ind"a dazzling sight to the eye, and one calculated to raise the spirit of greed in my breast to possess myself of some of the treasures so temptingly exposed to view.

Then rising, apparently almost suffocated, groaning terribly and thrusting his face into a bowl of water, he makes all sorts of gestures and noises.

Still, he did not like the hurry of the sweeps, which presently groaned louder and threw up nebulous fire.

I groan out loud, in the agony of my fear, and the sound of my voice is frightening.

Let all those who indulge and luxuriate in ill-gotten wealth to-day (and, indeed, their name is Legion), as well as all those who meanly and idly groan because their wealth is taken from them, think long and deeply on these things.

" "Don't forget der plague!" said Jan. They groaned mightily as they lifted the heavy chests to their shoulders and started for the door.

Well, that also thundered and deluged and guyzered out onto the floor accompanied by the drips and drizzles into the settin' room, Ury's flight with Philury, Karen's mourns, and Josiah's groans, for he had lost his pride and openly groaned and jawed at Jabez and sez to him: "You dum fool you!

Our horses, apparently participating in our delight, pricked up their ears, and snorted, fairly prancing with pleasure, tired and jaded as they were after thirty miles' travel through sand, into which they sank at every step fetlock deep, often groaning pitifully.

62 adverbs to describe how to  groaned  - Adverbs for  groaned