6 adverbs to describe how to habitations

THE WOODCOCK.This bird being migratory in its habits, has, consequently, no settled habitation; it cannot be considered as the property of any one, and is, therefore, not game by law.

Never cap of Nipitaty in London come near thy niggardly habitation!

It was one of the two middle houses of a detached terrace of four houses built by her grandfather Lessways, the teapot manufacturer; it was the chief of the four, obviously the habitation of the proprietor of the terrace.

When she had perfected these devices she entered the city from her habitation outside, and by night without Ptolemy's knowledge went into the palace.

Miles and miles of uncultivated land, with scarcely a single habitation, extend on either side of the road, and the few shepherds who watch their flocks in the marshy hollows, look wild and savage enough for any kind of crime.

In a few hours the earth is levelled; all the indications remaining of the ordinary log dwellings are a few snow-banks with a row of dark posts from which smoke is emitted, showing that there are human habitations underneath.

6 adverbs to describe how to  habitations  - Adverbs for  habitations