24 adverbs to describe how to habiting

Foremost of all rode a man richly habited, a man of great strength and breadth of shoulder, and of a bearing high and arrogant.

A good comely man and woman, plainly habited like serving folks, came forth to greet Mrs. Golding, and she commended us to them much as she had done to Andrew, saying to us, 'These are Matthew Standfast and his wife Grace; good, kind souls, who look well to my house when I cannot do it.

He was habited neatly and soberly in black, with a fine white cravat and starched shirt-bands.

This is a neat-habited and dwarf evergreen species, that even under the best cultivation rarely exceeds 2 feet in height.

The one or two really jolly things that the Germans have got are precisely the things which the English haven't got: notably a real habit of popular music and of the ancient songs of the people, not merely spreading from the towns or caught from the professionals.

These splendid garments are only worn on thirteen solemn festivals, corresponding to the thirteen moons or lunar months, into which the Tartar year is divided, when all the great men of the court are splendidly habited, like so many kings.

Such are, firstly, social sympathies and sense of justice; then openness and plainness of character; lastly, habits of action, and a practical knowledge of social misery.

It was not suspicion of evil, but merely a habit of precaution, a prudential tone of mind which he had acquired in service, that led him at the last moment to say (making Coronado tremble in his boots), "Mr. Glover, have you thoroughly overhauled the cord?" "Give her a look jest before we went up to breakfast," replied the skipper.

And his essaysparticularly those of the Citizen of the World with its Chinese vision of England and English lifeare the first fruit of that Irish detachment, that ability to see "normally" English habits and institutions and foibles which in our own day has given us the prefaces of Mr. Shaw.

On his left was a young, handsome, and richly-attired gallant, answering to the apothecary's description of Hawkswood; and on the right sat a stout personage precisely habited like himself, except that he wore a broad-leaved hat, which completely overshadowed his features.

The last Day we presented, every Body was so rashly habited, that when they came to speak to each other, a Nymph with a Crook had not a Word to say but in the pert Stile of the Pit Bawdry; and a Man in the Habit of a Philosopher was speechless, till an occasion offered of expressing himself in the Refuse of the Tyring-Rooms.

What I would humbly propose to the Publick is, that there may be a Society erected in London, to consist of the most skilful Persons of both Sexes, for the Inspection of Modes and Fashions; and that hereafter no Person or Persons shall presume to appear singularly habited in any Part of the Country, without a Testimonial from the foresaid Society, that their Dress is answerable to the Mode at London.

No one in this circle, at least in the early days, thought of constraining Clerambault, but sometimes it seemed to him that his ideas were strangely habited in the fashion of his hosts.

Once, out of studently habit, he glanced at Peter's philosophic books, but apparently he read the titles without really observing them.

This is an ungainly habited shrub, of dwarf growth, the branches being somewhat slender and crooked.

Unhappily the habit of being offensive "without meaning it" leads usually to a way of making amends which the injured person cannot but regard as a being amiable without meaning it.

" The Prince whistledan unprincely habit, but then all millers' lads whistle at their work.

Enter LOVEBY, led by SETSTONE, antickly habited; with a torch in one hand, and a wand in the other.

" The Prince whistledan unprincely habit, but then all millers' lads whistle at their work.

It was, of course, the habit of astronomers to reckon eclipses backwards, and of annalists to avail themselves of these reckonings.

Spite of this beastly habit it must be said honestly of the old he-wolf that he shows a marvelous gentleness towards his mate.

We all sat on the mats according to bodily habit, the lithe natives on their heels, the grosser ones and we whites with legs crossed, and with the minister's raising of his head we fell to, with ease of position, and no artificial instruments to embarrass our hands.

While preparing my palette a monk, decently habited for a monk, who seemed to have come to the Vatican for the purpose of viewing the pictures, after a little time approached me and, with a very polite bow, offered me a pinch of snuff, which, of course, I took, bowing in return, when he instantly asked me alms.

Ghastly habit William has of getting up at seven o'clock and suddenly remembering that he wants to talk diplomacy.

24 adverbs to describe how to  habiting  - Adverbs for  habiting