59 adverbs to describe how to halts

Mr. Anderson, who led the way, halted rather abruptly.

" The boys wandered disconsolately through the booking-office of the little country station, and halted outside to consider what was to be done.

Even as I questioned, the steps reached my door, halted momentarily, and then continued down the passage.

It was with a very bad grace that Sir Charles obeyed the curt orders he received, to leave the cab, to enter at a side door of the Prefecture, to follow this pompous conductor along the long vaulted passages of this rambling building, up many flights of stone stairs, to halt obediently at his command when at length they reached a closed door on an upper story.

He halted uncertainly.

Involuntarily he halted for an instant.

He therefore halted awhile before he issued from the trees, and, putting an arrow to his bow, sent it well-aimed among the horsemen.

Having passed 12 paces beyond the officer of the day, the adjutant halts; the sergeant major halts abreast of the adjutant and 1 pace to his left; they then return saber, salute, and retire; the commander of the guard then commands: 1. Platoons,right bysquads, 2. MARCH, and marches the guard to its post.

Had he spent but a fraction of the time and trouble he gave to the elaboration of his own system, in a liberal and critical study of that which he desired to supersede, his genius might have accomplished a work for the Church which is still halting badly on its way to perfection.

The clatter of his weapon, falling in the road, naturally brought all eyes round in that direction, and seeing what had happened the whole eighteen of us instinctively halted.

The equestrienne sharply halted the man who led her horse forward for a dash into the ring.

But words came halting forth ... Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite, 'Fool,' said my muse to me, 'look in thy heart and write.'

He took the path we had passed over, and fortunately halted at the next corn-field.

" Having made this, to me, odd remark, the commander disappeared from view inside the shelter of boughs, and Sergeant Corney led me a dozen yards or more from what might by courtesy have been called "headquarters," when he halted to say, gravely: "It appears that things are not just as they should be in this camp, lad.

She halted halfway up the steps and leaned against the rail to catch her breath.

Mrs. Stanley had halted helplessly so near an Apache boy that he might have thrust her through with his lance had he not been solely intent upon water.

The risen private came on a dozen paces, halted hesitatingly, and stared once more.

Now, the meal complete, its maker halted hospitably.

It was an old man singing, the air perhaps that of some old chanson of his own country, sung by villagers long before: "Souvenirs du jeune age Sont gravis dans mon coeur, Quand je pense au village, Revenant du bonheur" The old voice halted, at length resuming, idly: "Quand je pensequand je pense."

No man ever gained anything but contempt and ruin by incessantly halting between two opinions.

Ohehgentlemen!" The strangers halted inquiringly and then came forward.

As we came out of the office, I halted irresolutely and we both looked up and down the lane.

Again he halted jerkily.

The man was not accustomed to dissimulation, and the explanation halted lamely.

At last he opened the piano, and, in a lamentably halting style, played, "Then you'll remember me," using only a forefinger in the performance.

59 adverbs to describe how to  halts  - Adverbs for  halts