165 adverbs to describe how to handles

The "Lait Gustise" handled Roughly.

The Sherwood Rangers and South Notts Hussars were vigorously counter-attacked at Mudweiweh, but they severely handled the enemy, who retired a much weakened body.

" A curious phrase current in Devonshire for a young lady who jilts a man is, "She has given him turnips;" and an expressive one for those persons who in spite of every kindness are the very reverse themselves is this: "Though you stroke the nettle ever so kindly, yet it will sting you;" With which may be compared a similar proverb equally suggestive: "He that handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung.

Take a quartern of flour, and break into it a pound of butter in large pieces, knead it very stiff, handle it as lightly as you can, and roll it once or twice, then it is fit for use.

The drawback of such themes is, not that they do not conform to this or that canon of art, but that it needs an exceptional amount of knowledge and dramaturgic skill to handle them successfully.

Catrina noted all these things while cleverly handling her ponies.

The Breviary hymns have met with several good, kind, translating poets; but very often they have been rudely handled by well-meaning verse builders.

Many of the chapters, taken apart from their context, are short-story themes badly handled.

The most experienced manoeuverer of Society's legion could not have handled a difficult situation more deftly.

The frame containing the farina may be almost immediately withdrawn after the mould is formed upon the pan; because, from the consistency imparted to the incipient cake by the heat, it will speedily admit of being safely handled: it must not, however, be fried too hastily.

Secondly, co-ordinating with correspondents involved vast amounts of patience, as each correspondent had to be handled differently.

What I saw at Maubeuge was even more convincing testimony, had I needed it, that the Germans had a 42- centimeter gun, and that, given certain favored conditions, they knew how to handle it effectively.

He evidently wished to show that in argument he was good at fence, and could handle a theologian as skilfully as a foil.

The nurse is so unhandy; she tumbles the baby about so roughly, handles it so awkwardly, she will certainly dress it too loosely, or too tight, or leave a pin that will prick it, or some terrible calamity will happen.

Each of the 42,000 loaves of hard bread had to be handled separately before it could be assigned to its proper place.

Cook says the canoes were handled very smartly, and "five minutes after putting ashore you could not tell anything of the kind had been going forward.

She must handle this young lady more cautiously than she had Louise Merrick.

Accordingly you must learn to handle books expeditiously and to comprehend quickly.

"You have been plying the pump handle pretty vigorously yourself.

I'faith, 'tis good, and we will practise it; But, sir, it must be handled cunningly, Or all is marr'd; our wives have subtle heads, And they will soon perceive a drift device.

They tell me that you and he are friendly, and, unless I mistake the man, he can see reason if he is wisely handled.

The majority, consequently, are easily handled.

Surely, against such a force, so ably handled, no army the French might muster could avail, and I awaited the event with a confidence and eager anticipation which were shared by all the others.

But the general sent for them, condoled with them and made them presents, ordered that Monakatuca's son be given a military burial, and, in a word, handled them so adroitly that they became more attached to us than ever.

Then he walked to a stand of arms on the wall and took down a small sword, which he handled lovingly.

165 adverbs to describe how to  handles  - Adverbs for  handles