13 adverbs to describe how to harangued

' I was much entertained while Principal Robertson fluently harangued to Dr. Johnson, upon the spot, concerning scenes of his celebrated History of Scotland.

" Nicholas seemed to be haranguing the Shamán deferentially, but with spirit.

"Hit was me," harangued Pap Himes doggedly.

The person who told us this did not recollect the name of the street, but men were eagerly haranguing the crowd, talking of General Lecomte, and his having twice ordered the troops to fire upon the citizen militia.

As long as he was conducted with his head uncovered, he moved along earnestly haranguing and vociferating to the multitude which poured around him on all sides.

In his youth, having summoned his fellow-journeymen to concert measures against the oppression of their masters, he mounted a kind of rostrum, and harangued them so efficaciously, that they determined to resist all future invasions; and when the stamp-offices demanded to stamp the last half-sheet of the magazines, Mr. Cave alone defeated their claim, to which the proprietors of the rival magazines would meanly have submitted.

Last Wednesday a meeting was summoned in Westminster Hall: Charles Fox harangued the people finely and warmly; and not only a petition was voted, but he was proposed for candidate for that city at the next general election, and was accepted joyfully.

It was quite evident that his speech was a written oneprobably a printed harangue issued to him and his compeers for circulation throughout the country.

But he very seldom harangued, though it is difficult to make that clear in recording his talks, because he often spoke continuously.

Vainly did I endeavor to calm the terror of my patients, excited still more by the elemental uproar without; vainly did I harangue them, in the plainest terms to which science is reducible, on atmospheric vibrations, acoustics, reverberations, and volcanic agencies; they insisted on some supernatural power having produced the recent fearful sounds.

In place of these, a lean, bilious-looking fellow, with his pockets full of hand-bills, was haranguing vehemently about rights of citizens electionsmembers of congresslibertyBunker's Hillheroes of seventy-sixand other words, which were a perfect Babylonish jargon to the bewildered Van Winkle.

"I went to Pettitt'sthe little perfumer, you know, that Julius did so much for at the fire; and there she was, leaning on the counter, haranguing him confidentially upon setting an example with sanatory measures.

He held to the mechanism he was adjusting and harangued wheezily from behind it.

13 adverbs to describe how to  harangued  - Adverbs for  harangued