9 adverbs to describe how to hedged

Apparently space was found for it with difficulty, and it got wedged between an enormous holly hedge and a stiff wooden paling.

His love of books and his passionate love of beauty combined with his poverty to hedge him about more effectually than miles of desert could have done.

His greasy, sly, fox face with its touch of bold impudence betrayed him for a man who would habitually hedge his bets.

First you swing across the Tiber In a ferry-boat that floats you in a minute from the crowd; Then through high-hedged lanes you saunter; then by fields and sunny pastures; And beyond, the wondrous dome uprises like a golden cloud.

How singularly has my way been hedged up in my profession at the very moment when, to human appearance, everything seemed prosperously tending to the accomplishment of my desire in painting a national picture.

If you men can take the time from your own business" "I don't know about the rest," Casey hedged uncomfortably.

They came presently through a trim, yew-hedged walkway to a summer-house covered with vines, into which Margaret peeped and declined to enter, on the ground that it was entirely too chilly and gloomy and exactly like a mausoleum; but nearby they found a semi-circular marble bench about which a group of elm-trees made a pleasant shadow splashed at just the proper intervals with sunlight.

The latter was in fear of the dagger, the pistol, or the bomb, and consequently hedged himself in by persons of the Colonel's typecourteous, diplomatic, but utterly unbending.

One Sunday, just about that hour when the stars and the bats and the passions of rural life come out, there chanced to be a young couple "kissing each other a bit" in Love Lane, the deep hedged lane that runs out back towards the Upper Lodge.

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