19 adverbs to describe how to horse

The clatter of a galloping horse outside drew swiftly away.

E. Mr Pinkerton, from the Trevigi edition, has this passage as follows: "The king of Vor, one of the princes of Nacbabar, purchases about 10,000 horses yearly from the country of Cormos, formerly mentioned, each horse costing five sazi of gold.

Lastly, horses plus sheep, minus hides, plus fleeces, in all equal forty millions.

While these thoughts were passing through my head I had been alternately walking and trotting, as a man should who has a long journey before, and a willing horse beneath, him.

c. Well, things went on in this unpleasant manner for several weeks, when at last the white groom and Aaron met at Geneva, and the horse belonging to the former, designedly or accidentally, escaped from his keeper, and came with full speed, with his mouth wide open, after Speculator.

"De stage coach day war big days, wen de stage coach war a comin thru why us little niggers would try ter keep up wid de horses en run erlong side de coach en sometimes a man or woman would drop us a penny den dar was sho a scramble.

Within this wall there were the fairest and most chrystall fountaines in the whole world: and about the sayd fountaines there were most beautifull virgins in great number, and goodly horses also, and in a word, euery thing that could be deuised for bodily solace and delight, and therefore the inhabitants of the countrey call the same place by the name of Paradise.

Come, Master Engine, weele to horse imediately.

I was but indifferently horsed before, so I accepted of the horse, and went down with him to see the rest of his plunder there.

Pa selected the place of driver of the Roman chariot with four horses abreast, in place of the Irish Roman who was accustomed to drive the chariot in the race with the female charioteer, a muscular girl who used to clerk in a livery stable at Chicago.

The Belgian field artillery was horsed magnificently: the sturdy, hardy animals native to Luxembourg and the Ardennes making admirable material for gun-teams, while the great Belgian draught-horses could scarcely have been improved upon for the army's heavier work.

So when Kincaid and Irby introduced a naval lieutenant whose amazingly swift despatch-boat was bound on a short errand a bend or so below English Turn, it was agreed with him in a twinklinga few twinklings, mainly Miranda'sto dismiss horses, take the trip, and on the return be set ashore at Camp Callender by early moonlight.

At Santa Barbara they found a chance to trade off some of their oxen for mares, which were not considered worth much, and managed the barter so well that they came out with a horse apiece and a few dollars besides, with which to buy grub along the road.

This year, with a mane and in, if possible, better condition, against practically the same horses, it wins nothing at all.

" When Gugemar heard these proud words he got to horse speedily, him and all his company.

Mounted on a gaunt, gray horse, the General rode through the disorder, quietly directing the incompetent militia officers in their tasks of collecting their men; and behind him, splendidly horsed and caparisoned, cantered the tall Oneida, known as Thomas Spencer the Interpreter, calm, composed, inscrutable eyes fixed on his beloved leader and friend.

The chariot of Israel and the horses thereof!

Then was my horse kil'd under me; I sank; And over me away, all unconcernedly, Drove horse and riderand thus trod to pieces I lay, and panted like a dying man; Then seized me suddenly a savior arm; It was Octavio'sI awoke at once; 'Twas broad day, and Octavio stood before me.

No; it's that beastly American horse.

19 adverbs to describe how to  horse  - Adverbs for  horse