17 adverbs to describe how to impeding

The child however was not disconcerted by this, and the fresh air meeting him, and for the moment raising his spirits, he stepped on over the loose stones brought down at different times by the waters, boldly, and even gaily, though his course was impeded by the unevenness of the way.

It is a very productive species, and, having its flight considerably impeded by the size and form of its hooded frill, keeps much at home, and is well adapted for the aviary or other buildings where pigeons are confined.

The future welfare of man he believes in effect may be trusted to the spontaneous and planless activities of people of goodwill, and nothing but state intervention can effectively impede its attainment.

Did the last of the Greeks provide themselves with tents,effeminately impede their progress with luggage?

(The car was once more under way; fortunately their progress overhead would not be impeded by a press of vehicles.)

The child however was not disconcerted by this, and the fresh air meeting him, and for the moment raising his spirits, he stepped on over the loose stones brought down at different times by the waters, boldly, and even gaily, though his course was impeded by the unevenness of the way.

Happily, in his eventful administration he was impeded by hostile and cynical senators; but this wholesale restraint embittered his life.

Some of the ponies are not turning out so well as I expected; they are slow walkers and must inevitably impede the faster ones.

The new law of election did not prevent, and perhaps did not even materially impede, the contemporary formation of a new politically privileged order.

I do not know what obstruction momentarily impeded its advance in this narrow cutting of the Boulevard in which we were hemmed in.

Into this gap the horsemen or the imperious automobiles would slip, and away the column would go again without having been disturbed or impeded noticeably.

But feasts proper to a nation, diocese, order, institute or particular church may still be transferred to a fixed day, if perpetually impeded on their own day.

The general mass of the medical profession, equipped with a little experience and a muddled training, and preposterously impeded by the private adventure conditions under which it lives, goes about pretending to the possession of precise knowledge which simply does not exist in the world.

That the natural increase of population among the slaves in the islands appeared to have been impeded principally by the following causes:First, by the inequality of the sexes in the importations from Africa.

The light and motionless burden scarcely impeded his progress, and he soon beheld the fire rays from the windows of the cottage which he, a native of a distant clime, had built in the Western wilderness.

I hold that it is not only derogatory to national dignity but it actually impedes national progress superstitiously to believe that our progress towards our goal is impossible without British connection.

Treading very delicately, I approached this enfuriated man, and explained the helpless situation of our guns, pointing out that we were also unwillingly impeding the movements of his own.

17 adverbs to describe how to  impeding  - Adverbs for  impeding