161 adverbs to describe how to impressed

The return from the chase furnished the little adventure I have alluded to,a very small adventure, but deeply impressed upon a memory now a good deal cut up with tracks and traces of strange beasts of accidents, quaint "vestiges of creation," ineffaceably stamped upon what poor Andrew Romer used to call the "old red sandstone," in playful allusion to what his friends well knew was a heart of hearts.

Those grim guns that bore upon them, and the angry faces of Jerry, Frank, yes, and Andy, impressed them deeply.

Up to now, Inkston had not impressed Cynthia Walford very favorably.

An order was issued by the military authorities requesting the tender of men and teams for this purpose, but the owners of draft horses did not respond with sufficient alacrity to supply the pressing necessities of the army, and it was necessary for the authorities to issue another order forcibly impressing into service of the government any and all teams that could be found on the streets or in stables.

At the close of this eventful day two things alone remained vividly impressed upon their minds.

This is not the verdict of personal opinion, but a record which is indelibly impressed upon Base Ball history.

The dining-room, when she went down to it, did not impress her any more favourably; for here, too, the furniture was new and shiny with a sticky kind of shininess, as if the treacly varnish had not yet dried; there was not a comfortable chair in the room; the pictures were the most gruesome ones of Doré's, and there was a text over the mantel-piece as aggressive and as hideous in colouring as those in her room.

He would have liked Etta to be favorably impressed with it, as any prejudice would naturally reflect upon Osterno, 140 miles across the steppe.

It paid large dividends, and its stockholders were duly impressed with the magnificence of its buildings and the grandiose tone of its officials.

The close of the previous holidays had witnessed a general parliamentary election, and with the details of contests which had taken place in their native towns vividly impressed upon their minds, the younger boys, from the Lower Fourth downwards, threw themselves into the present conflict with an amount of energy and spirit which was not to be found in the more sober and deliberate action of their seniors.

"Baby as she thinks and I call you, Eveena, you are fast unteaching me the lesson which, before you were born and ever since, the women of the Earth have done their utmost to impress indelibly upon my mindthe lesson that woman is but a less lovable, more petulant, more deeply and incurably spoilt child.

Tekin Alp (like most Turkish publicists and politicians since 1908) is a Macedonian, and is profoundly impressed by the methods which the other nationalities there employed to the discomfiture of the Turks themselves.

I am inclined to think that a much nobler spirit would pervade such field-sports as cricket and football if the fact could be more firmly impressed upon the minds of both players and spectators that, providing the conduct of each side is fair and generous, and that every one does his "big best," it is equally creditable to lose as to win.

"I see him fullfull of di'mon's!" They listened to him with vast respect, and were visibly impressed.

The most solemn act of worship, that of public supplication, so powerfully impressed my mind, that I believed it right to yield to the motion, which I humbly trust was done in due reverence and humility of soul.

His imagination was profoundly impressed by the existence of Christianity as a revealed religion with a founder of its own.

The difference of size between the Martial race and my own was forcibly impressed upon me, in seeing that Esmo and his son found this assistance needful, or at least convenient, while I simply stepped rather than jumped to the deck, and lifted Eveena straight from her carriage to her seat under the canopy that covered the stern of the vessel.

As the time for attempting to escape grew nearer, the embassador became the more painfully impressed with the danger of the attempt.

"But you know as well as I do how the attitude of the young prisoner impressed the magistrate and police so unfavourably that, with every new witness brought forward, his position became more and more unfortunate.

She had helped "fix up" the house for the new owner and her appreciative soul had been duly impressed by the display of wealth demonstrated by the fine furniture sent down from the city.

He had formed no acquaintances since coming on board the vessel and was strangely impressed with this old gentleman.

Avery surveyed him also, and as not very favourably impressed.

This stamp is most distinctly impressed on his grave national drama and on his national epos, of which we shall have to speak hereafter; but it also appears in his comedies, which of all his poetic performances seem to have been the best adapted to his talents and the most successful.

He was tremendously impressed that Uncle Philip could do everything, even blow a harmonica, which generally only boys were able to do.

" The scene was so rude and at the same time so picturesque that it impressed them all very agreeably.

161 adverbs to describe how to  impressed  - Adverbs for  impressed