6 adverbs to describe how to improvements

It was an old theory of his which he would have liked to test on a large scale: culture through environment, complete regeneration even, the improvement, the salvation of the individual, physically as well as morally.

The most which the land can yield, and seldom or never improvement with a view to future profit, is a point of common consent, and mutual need between the agriculturist and his overseer....

Amidst all this spirit of research we find nothingcomparatively nothingof improvement in that science of all others the most important in its influence * * *.

Yet it appears that scarcely any improvement in the faculty of observing is being made.

Secondly, the improvement of one's knowledge of political economy, and history, and facts bearing upon the actual political work and life of the day.

These rotting unsightly 'improvements,' as we call them, will soon be covered over and hidden with beautiful foliage.

6 adverbs to describe how to  improvements  - Adverbs for  improvements