607 adverbs to describe how to in

[Footnote A: Serially in the London Journal in 1850; in volume form in Paris, 1851.

Midnight found the late stayers still deep in the discussion.

The man looked Babette straight in the face as he replied, and she met his glance with one just as steady.

(In American Legion monthly, Oct. 1926)

Once superior to all the rest of the habitable globe, (of which it did not constitute the thousandth part,) in letters, arts, and arms, and all that distinguishes men from brutes; not merely in their own estimation, (for all nations are disposed to rate themselves high enough,) but by the general consent of the rest of the world.

I floated nearer, and my astonishment increased, as I noted that the door was broken partly from its hinges, precisely in the manner that my study door had been forced inward, by the assaults of the Swine-things.

His career had lain mainly in India and was mostly behind him even at the date of the South African War, in which, however, he had done valuable work in one of the supply services.

All took place practically in an instant of time.

The educative value of such play has been brought forward in modern times in Floor Games by Mr. Wells, Magic Cities by Mrs. Nesbit, and notably in Mr. Caldwell Cook's Play City in The Play Way.

" "The peculiarities you notice," returned the gentleman, "may either exist solely in your own imagination, or they may be the result of my own ill-health.

As both were desirous of having Africa, they wished Italy and Africa to be disposed of by lots; but, principally in consequence of the exertions of Quintus Metellus, Africa was neither assigned to anyone nor withheld.

In America, however, the people are in the full enjoyment of all the arts of civilization, while they are unrestricted in their means of subsistence, and consequently in their power of multiplication.

The Ouzel is usually found singly; rarely in pairs, excepting during the breeding season, and very rarely in threes or fours.

To requite is to put a just value upon one's work, deeds, or merit and to make payment strictly in accordance with his deserts.

About this period, one afternoon in the month of March, when I repaired to the hermitage as usual, I found my venerable friend stretched on his humble pallet, breathing very quickly, and seemingly in great pain.

Gone was the leaden weariness of her day's toil Something intimate and kind in the glance Stoddard had given her remained warm at her heart, and set that heart singing.

"I's been mighty partikler 'bout de pronounciation," he said to himself, "specially in wot I wrote to Mr. Morris, but I'd like to see dem all read dem letters.

The Titanic reversed her engines, and tugs plucked the New York away barely in time to avoid a bad smash.

In July a Papal decree of separation between the Countess and her husband was obtained, on condition of the latter paying from his large income a pittance to the lady of 200 l. a year, and her undertaking to live in her father's housean engagement which was, first in the spirit, and subsequently in the letter, violated.

The Duke took the carafe of water from the valet, and, standing up, poured it upon the air; it broke into flames, which mounted and floated away, singly or in little crowds.

"He's a bad actor, very seldom in work, and he drinks.

And if we must be indignant and remember old injuries that as often as not were sheer blessings, scarcely in disguise, let us reserve our hatred, scorn and contempt for those damned pagan and pirate hordes that first from Schleswig-Holstein and later from Denmark descended upon our Christian country, and for a time overwhelmed us with their brutish barbarism.

The Roman Breviary is excellent, firstly, in itself; and, secondly, in comparison with all other breviaries.

"You say," he replied, "that there is an organised scheme to destroy these people by force or fraud?" "The scheme, Prince, was confessed in my own hearing by one of its instruments; and in proof thereof, my own life, as a Chief of the Order, was attempted this morning.

But deeply in love as he is, he is a very proud fellow.

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