41 adverbs to describe how to incapables

He was a fine honourable, patriotic soldier, utterly incapable of an illegality of any kind.

Such persons are totally incapable of comparing your sentences with the maturer verdict of the public; a comparison that would redound so much to your honour.

But the most numerous rank by far in the community seems to have been the slaves or villains, who were the property of their lords, and were consequently incapable themselves of possessing any property.

"I suppose we ought not to blame her for determining that I ought to marry well; she wanted to do the best for the family and was constitutionally incapable of making allowance for or considering any one's private feelings.

He pointed out that he was physically incapable of climbing the tower, that any wounded German of whom the church was full could have seen him doing it, had the absurd charge been true.

Seemingly incapable of solving his problems by the lower grade process, he strove persistently, and often vainly, to gain insight.

But if you do not worship graven images, it is only because you are mentally and morally quite incapable of graving them.

The Prussian appears to be quite intellectually incapable of this thought.

(2) Even if the claim be just in theory, the Turk is hopelessly incapable, weak and cruel.

All were equally incompetent, and under their administration, sometimes merely incapable, sometimes combining recklessness and corruption with incapacity, the treasury again became exhausted, the resources of the nation dwindled away, and the distress of all but the wealthiest classes became more and more insupportable.

No, the sympathy that will be felt for Lady Ida is the sympathy which is commonly felt for the spendthriftfor the person who, no matter what his income, is congenitally incapable of making ends meet.

He was quite honestly incapable of supposing that his physician would presume to argue with him.

She knew how little Avery was drawn by pomp and circumstance, but she would not vaunt her knowledge before one so obviously incapable of understanding.

She felt strangely incapable of grasping what had happened.

But our State is peculiarly incapable of such functions; at the present time it cannot even produce a postage stamp that will stick; and the type of official it would probably evolve for industrial organisation, slowly but unsurely, would be a maddening combination of the district visitor and the boy clerk.

The resolute position still maintained by the Protestants chafed the arrogant temper of Louis XIII, who, although personally incapable of sustaining the royal authority, was yet jealous of its privileges.

The calamities of a questionable war, made known by the Press, at last roused public indignation, and so great was the popular clamor that Lord Aberdeen was compelled to resign a post for which he was plainly incapable,at least in war times.

What she failed to realise was that, if I ventured alone into the midst of so intimately feminine a world as Bibby and Renns' for the purpose of matching stuff called Pink Georgette, I should become practically incapable of doing anything at all.

The poet, too, who perhaps began with the simple ambition of becoming a 'literary man,' soon finds how radically incapable of ever being merely that he is.

It is Byron who tells the story of Sheridan being found in a gutter in a sadly incapable state; and, on some one asking "Who is this?" stammering out "Wilberforce."

They now imagined it in their power, not only to dispose of the imperial dignity, but to divide the dominions of the house of Austria into many petty sovereignties, incapable singly of opposing them, and unlikely to unite in any common cause, or to preserve a confederacy unbroken, if they should by accident agree to form it.

During his whole life he was singularly incapable of mastering any language.

For a while he remained stupidly incapable of speech or movement, then, as though arousing from a bad dream: "What are you going to do, anyway?"

It should be deferred to as authority in all cases where it does not make Shakspeare write bad sense, uncouth metre, or false grammar, of all which we believe him to have been more supremely incapable than any other man who ever wrote English.

I shall be glad to see Mr. Renour again; he was quite different; respectful and yet devoted, not wanting to eat one up like Gaston, and I am sure incapable of treating me like Harry has.

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