4 adverbs to describe how to indications

Yet in this aspect now I could detect no indication whatsoever that he was about to round into mid-season form.

Whether the opinion can with probability be maintained of those among more recent writers who have endeavoured to show from merely internal indications or an inaccurate interpretation of the sacred text that not a few of the psalms were composed after the time of Esdras and Nehemias, or even after the time of the Macchabees? ANSWER:

On one occasion, while within a few miles of the shore, the water suddenly shoaled to twelve, ten, and six fathoms, rock or coral, although half an hour before no bottom could be got with a hundred fathoms of lineapparently an indication of a submarine barrier, more or less continuous, running at a variable distance from the shore, and following the general trend of the coast.

We close our eyes to the outward appearance, in order that we may directly confront a mystery which is already past before there is any visible indication thereof.

4 adverbs to describe how to  indications  - Adverbs for  indications