27 adverbs to describe how to intensest

Martha found herself, too, sharing that curiously intense desire to hear the ring of the telephone.

The heat in the furnace is consequently more intense, and a somewhat less amount of surface suffices to evaporate a cubic foot of water.

The petty masters, however, maintained so little system in the management of their slaves that the public problem of social control was relatively intense.

"The Child came with a natural running movement, exactly as I described it before; but in a silence so peculiarly intense, that it was as if it brought the silence with it.

Men are often provoked if their horses or hounds refuse to do, or their pigs refuse to go where they wish to drive them, but the feeling is rarely intense and never permanent.

This feeling became doubly intense when we actually entered Plymouth, where the streets seemed to be almost inconveniently crowded with an extraordinary number of attractive-looking girls.

" When half the villagers had safely undergone the ordeal, the excitement, because of its repression, was painfully intense.

Yet this was battle, and intense Beyond the strife of fleets heroic; Deadlier, closer, calm 'mid storm; No passion; all went on by crank, Pivot, and screw, And calculations of caloric.

Anguish of mind is infinitely more intense than mere physical pain, and the more cultivated the mind, the deeper is its capacity for such "agony unmix'd."

intenso, -a, intense.

She was beautiful, intellectual, and nervously intense.

Suddenly he began speaking rapidly, as if impelled thereto by some inward force, and, in a low but passionately intense voice, heard only by Mr. Calvert: "We are the sport of fate in this country more than in any other, I think," he said.

Mr. Tymperley had seen his friends perhaps half a dozen times, his enjoyment of their society pathetically intense, but troubled by any slightest allusion to his mode of life.

Yet the souls of the lower creatures no man knows; and perhaps he had conscious longings, profoundly intense, for a moment's touch of a strong hand on his shoulder,one never-to-be-forgotten caress from a certain god that had gone to a cave to live.

The world-wide panic of 1837 began to send prices down, and the specially intense cotton crisis of 1839 broke the market so thoroughly that for five years afterward the producers had to take from five to seven cents a pound for their crops.

It seemed as if he were following the thread of some reference from year to year; for he ran his fingers through the leaves of certain parts hastily and became studiously intense at other parts as he gloomily pondered over them.

Vergil's age, with its terribly intense struggles, lies hidden behind the opaque mists of twenty centuries: by his very theory of art the poet has conscientiously drawn a veil between himself and his reader, and the scraps of information about him given us by the fourth century grammarian, Donatus, are inconsistent, at best unauthenticated, and generally irrelevant.

With an intelligence active too, she united a spirituality torturingly intense, but for which she had no such natural creative outlet as Henry.

This last suggestion filled the mind of Schalken with a vague uneasiness, which was so unaccountably intense as to make him alike afraid to remain in the room alone, and reluctant to pass through the lobby.

Then, although the Dolphin was supplied with every necessary for a whaling-expedition, and with many luxuries besides, she was ill provided with the supplies that men deem absolutely indispensable for a winter in the Arctic Regions, where the cold is so bitterly intense that, after a prolonged sojourn, men's minds become almost entirely engrossed by two clamant demands of naturefood and heat.

The eagerness of the men became almost unbearably intense and it was a blessed relief when our own guns gave tongue.

It was blindingly intense, and when his senses cleared he knew that she was gone.

At no place was the continuously intense character of the struggle like that of two leviathan wrestlers ever straining their hardest at gripsmore effectually brought home to me than in the region known now familiarly to the whole world as Notre Dame de Lorette, from the little chapel that stood on one part of it.

A deep intense absolute silence prevailed, from the moment when the last of the party had taken his place, for the space of some ten minutes.

Even now, he loved interplanetary travel, exploration, and adventure better than anything, but in his heart was an emotionally-intense place where he kept his memories of the West Virginia farm where he had spent so much of his childhood.

27 adverbs to describe how to  intensest  - Adverbs for  intensest