6 adverbs to describe how to kidnap

As these practices are in full force at the present day, it appears that there are four orders of involuntary slaves on the African continent; of [033]convicts; of prisoners of war; of those, who are publickly seized by virtue of the authority of their prince; and of those, who are privately kidnapped by individuals.

But, despite the revelation of that letter, the gypsy himself maintained a sullen silence when efforts were made to make him tell all he knew and the reason for his determined effort to kidnap Dolly.

" In this book Bob and Betty came together again in the Capitol City, and Betty acquired a second "Uncle Dick" in the person of Richard Littell, the father of three lively daughters who innocently kidnapped Betty, only to have the entire family become her firm friends.

But now that darned widder woman has onexpectedly kidnapped him.

Not only were escaped slaves liable to recapture anywhere within the United States, but those who were legally free might be seized on fraudulent claims and enslaved in circumvention of the law, or they might be kidnapped outright.

Virtually, they had kidnapped him.

6 adverbs to describe how to  kidnap  - Adverbs for  kidnap