51 adverbs to describe how to kindle

Her words kindled anew the flame in his breast.

The Todas of the Neilgheny Hills, in Southern India, annually kindle a sacred new fire by the friction of wood in the month which begins with the October moon.

Our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks.

But one steady fire burned in her bosomthe newly kindled white flame of her resentment.

After the fire has thus been ceremonially kindled, the women and girls of all the families in the village clean out their houses.

Man is made, you know, of very combustible materials, and may be kindled as effectually by a spark falling at the right time, in the right place, as when within reach of a great conflagration.

A remarkable bed of coal runs horizontally, at from 6 to 8 feet only, below the surface through a large portion of the island: a fire was once accidentally kindled in one of the pits, which is now continually burning.

ILLUSTRATED BY EDMUND FREDERICK LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS "Not by a glance or a turn of his head did he let his bride see how wildly her superlative attraction had kindled the fire in his blood" "The whole expression of her face changed as he came and leaned upon the piano" "With his English self-control and horror of a scene, he followed his wife to the door" "'Zara!'

Must then the fire for aye, Deliberately kindled and supplied With hellish sulphur, sear my tortured soul!

The Vaudois were a race of hardy, stubborn, half-civilized mountaineers, whose passions were readily kindled, and whose resolves were as violent as they were sudden.

When an assembly of the people, by the gradual crowding round of the multitude, had mingled with the senate to hear these proposals, the chief men suddenly withdrawing before an answer was returned, and throwing all the gold and silver collected, both from public and private stores, into a fire hastily kindled for that purpose, the greater part flung themselves also into it.

The undying principle of freedom living and burning in the soul of the most degraded slave, like lamps amid the darkness of eastern sepulchres, was kindling up brilliantly within them, young as they were, and flashing in smiles upon their ebon faces.

At my command the winds go about the earth, and nightly the stars are kindled for my recreation.

When they went into the field to work, they took some of the meal or rice and a pot with them; the pots were given to an old woman, who placed two poles parallel, set the pots on them, and kindled a fire underneath for cooking; she took salt with her and seasoned the messes as she thought proper.

His eye, falling upon the detective, kindled joyfully: "Oh, you godsend!

Literally, "the fire was kindled in my stomach.

"Yes, fire, that I may scorch you, kindle you, madden you, to do my work, and wear the heart of fire which I wear day and night!" Stangrave looked at her startled.

But she did not reign so absolutely undisturbed as to be without her own jealousies and apprehensions; and these were mainly kindled by Julia and Agrippina, the two nieces of the Emperor.

Methodically he kindled a fire and prepared himself a generous meal.

Every year on the Saturday before Easter Sunday a new fire is miraculously kindled at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

Put that down," he added, in tones momently feebler and more husky, as he pointed to the paper; "put that down, oror perhapsEugénieperhaps" As he spoke, the faint light that had momently kindled his glazing eye was suddenly quenched; he remained for perhaps half a minute raised on his elbow, and with his outstretched finger pointing towards the paper, gazing blindly upon vacancy.

But look aloft, and if thou ken'st from far Among the Pleiads a new-kindled star, If any sparkles than the rest more bright, 'Tis she that shines in that propitious light.

And, as they looked, the windows of another house began to kindle ominously; little tongues of fire fluttered over a distant cupola, leaped across to a gallery, ran up in vinelike tendrils which flowered into flame, veining everything in a riotous tangle of brilliancy.

To the ignominy of war they piously kindle the flame of their faith, and throw their bodies on the altar.

By your flames, so promptly kindled, By your bell's clear silver sound That adventure, horror-mingled, Hath a happy issue found.

51 adverbs to describe how to  kindle  - Adverbs for  kindle