16 adverbs to describe how to liberating

The remaining allies were only indirectly rewarded by the accession of the newly-liberated cities to the several confederacies.

These were subsequently liberated upon the tribe's guarantee of good faith.

"No, it does not command it, but those who voluntarily liberate their slaves are therein commended, and have the blessing of God on them." Myself.

I trust, that your admission to which I have just referred, will have no small effect to prevent the Northern apologist for slavery from repeating the remark that the South would gladly liberate her slaves, if she saw any prospect of bettering the condition of the objects of her tender and solicitous benevolence.

The combustion of coal under a steam boiler therefore merely liberates the power which the sun gave out thousands of years before.

Venice knew when to yield gracefully, and the boy was liberated unconditionally from the galleys, in pity, as it was whispered, for the untimely fate of his parent.

"Finally, we implore your Majesty to be pleased to follow out that great act of confidence which you have exercised towards the negro race, in appointing them the life-guards of your Imperial person, by graciously liberating them from the cruel yoke of slavery.

The South, would have gradually liberated the slaves.

"If thou couldst liberate the Lady Blanchefleur from the duress which Sir Clamadius places upon her, I believe thou wouldst have as great credit in courts of chivalry as it is possible to have.

First of all, England had to liberate herself, economically and politically, from a position of dependence on the other Powers; then she took up her particular attitude to the world.

Then she suddenly sank into a slumber, and lay till a little after nine at night, when her purified spirit was peacefully liberated.

He went to Savannah, where he was arrested but promptly liberated in response to public clamor.

In the attempt to rescue Captain Boone at Bosedale circumstances pointed to the guilt of young Sprague, but that was all dissipated a few weeks after, when, at the peril of his own life, not once, but a score of times, he rashly liberated a score or two of prisoners, and personally led them through an entire rebel army to the Union lines.

Soon after his return to London he was arrested on the charge of having published an obscene book, and was duly liberated on bail.

One thing is certain, it has forcibly liberated women.

The same assertion has been made with respect to the emancipation of slaves in the United States, but in neither case does the objection invalidate the historical significance of an act that formally liberated millions of human beings from hereditary and legalized bondage.

16 adverbs to describe how to  liberating  - Adverbs for  liberating