1259 adverbs to describe how to looking

He was very good-looking, with a slight, elegant figure and charming smiledidn't look like a man whose life would end so tragically.

Then suddenly observing me, he stooped nervously as if about to fly on the instant, but as I remained as motionless as the stone, he gained confidence, and looked me steadily in the face for about a minute, then flew quietly to the outlet and began to sing.

"He came out on the other side of the stream, and after joining in the laugh against himself, and taking off and wringing his garments, he wandered up to the apron of the old dam, and stretching himself along the planks, went to looking anxiously down into the deep water.

A little before teatime, he looked up at me, curiously.

Darrow looked up sharply.

These looked forward so eagerly to her helpful conversation that in course of time it was arranged she should give a short Gospel address in each of the men's wards once a week.

That power eluded the grasp and baffled the research of human genius, which was looking so earnestly after it, until ingenuity gave it up, and philosophy pronounced it a delusion.

She was looking wistfully on a bunch of flowers in her hand, which I felt pleasure in recognising to be the same I had seen on the piece of embroidery.

Still, when I looked more intently, I was unable to say that it was really mist; for it appeared to blend with the plain, giving it a peculiar unrealness, and conveying to the senses the idea of unsubstantiality.

When at length he turned to leave the spot the tiny grave was marked by a pine slab, on which was pencilled, "Here lies the germ of a resolve. July 17th, 18" He walked slowly along the fragrant wood-path, looking thoughtfully at the shadows as they played hide and seek upon the moss, while through the trees he caught glimpses of the sparkling river which sang as it rolled along.

The others looked at him inquiringly.

"What do you think was the real object in your brother coming down here?" Henshaw looked at his questioner keenly before he answered.

But one day a fine-looking gentleman, calling himself Dr. W.E. Webb, appeared in town, and dropping into our store introduced himself in a very pleasant way.

In a certain spot of the room, always in the same spot, a bright light suddenly flashes; out of its midst there gleams a preternaturally large eye, which looks fixedly at me with a diabolical expression.

Or if we look upward we reach an over-world, where moons and suns are circling in the heights.

[AMSTERDAM] Lo, my soul, look forth abroad And mark the busy stir: Wouldst thou say, in pride and scorn, Our God is not in her!

I did not think it would be right" The assertion, though superficially true, is so imperfect in its delineation of habitual conduct liable to another construction, that the agitated Flowerpot returns, with quick indignation, "your arm was always reaching out whenever you sat in a chair anywhere near me, and whenever I sang you always kept looking straight into my mouth until it tickled me.

" On looking more attentively, I perceived many of these beings among the spectators, showing, by their gestures, the greatest anxiety for the issue of the contest.

Yet, through the whole week, there had been nothing to alarm me, either by sight or sound; so that I was able to look back, calmly, to the incident; though still with a sense of unmitigated wonder and curiosity.

I merely looked to see if that marshal's bâton I have heard so much about was there.

He limped over to the strangers, and stood looking at them gravely, modestly, but with careful scrutiny.

And as she shook her head and looked at me sadly, I added: "Oh!

" Henshaw was looking at him steadfastly through eyes that blazed with hate.

"I cannot eat," she exclaimed, seeing that they both looked suspiciously at the thick slice of currant-bread, that lay untouched on her plate.

"Now you're a nice-looking Sunday school!"

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