79 adverbs to describe how to lowers

A few months having passed by, the temperature of the water may be gradually lowered until cold is employed, with which it may be either sponged or even plunged into it, every morning during summer.

"I am king, then!" At the same moment the drawbridge was hastily lowered, and Henry d'Anjou galloped into the court, followed by four knights, crying, "France! France!"

" Bull lowered them cautiously.

"And what's more, I don't care," said Gloster defiantly but with his voice instinctively lowered.

The little boat at the side was lowered softly; it touched the water and floated away from the Nevski like a leaf.

"I wished," said Cassilis, leaning nearer to her, and lowering his voice confidentially, "to try to convince you howunnecessary it would beif" and he paused, significantly.

" The largest steam launches from all three of the battleships were being swiftly lowered.

" He paused in his walk and lowered his voice impressively.

How darkly now the prospect lowers; How thorny is our homeward way; How more than sad our evening hours, That used to glide like thought away.

At last a native on the inside, startled at the appearance of his struggling body, came to his assistance, and succeeded in lowering him safely to the ground.

The sensitive mouth was quiet, the eyes, very serious, were lifted from time to time, then lowered, thoughtfully, to the clasped fingers on her knee.

After a long, deep, and breathless pull which he designed as a finisher, he set the horn down and found that the liquor was not perceptibly lowered.

When she was gone, though the door to the kitchen stood wide open, and big George was in it, the colonel lowered his bass voice so successfully that it was as safe as being alone with Donnegan.

The neighbors who had borne the body, lowered it tenderly to the bottom, and when they had lifted the cover of the coffin in place, each man, the oldest first, threw in a shovelful of earth.

The words slipped out before she realized quite what she was saying, yet fortunately, in time to lower her voice, for no one heard them.

Now that he was here he must needs see the transaction through; he could not well do otherwise; but as the afternoon drew to a close and the necessity of tarrying a second night became assured, the premonition of retribution, that had before lowered merely as a possibility, loomed into the proportions of certainty.

Unconsciously his voice had lowered.

These ruinous masses, and the deep glacial grooves that flute the sides of the mountain, show that it has been considerably lowered and wasted by ice; how much we have no sure means of knowing.

At the head of Grand Island they came to vast herds of buffalorestless brown seas of humped, shaggy backs and fiercely lowered heads.

It had fallen ever since, and the afternoon lowered gloomily.

Archdeacon Domb and Dean Sollem were standing side by side with their heads gravely lowered, as they talked, over the cups of tea that they held in their hands.

Certainly, however, she has grown a good deal fuller, and her color is higher; and whether it is fancy or not, I cannot say, but certainly to me it seems that the expression of her face has acquired something habitually lowering and malicious, and which, I know not how, inspires me with an undefinable dread.

I can define it in no better way than to call it a carved portcullis, lowered halfway in front of the chancel.

" He came in alone, with a brooding face, and lowered himself heavily into his chair.

An' neaw, hoo's come'd a gate wi' us hitherto, an' hoo would have us to have a glass o' warm ale a- piece at yon heawse lower deawn a bit; an' aw dar say it'll do mo good, aw getten sich a cowd; but, eh dear, it's made mo as mazy as a tup; an' neaw, hoo wants us to have another afore we starten off whoam.

79 adverbs to describe how to  lowers  - Adverbs for  lowers