13 adverbs to describe how to lull

Her wonderful calmness, refreshing the whole soul, must aid both conscience and intellect in the end, but sometimes lulls both temporarily, when immediate issues are pending.

I doubt if any child in modern palaces enjoys happier hours than were mine on winter evenings, when I rested on the broad stone hearth in front of the big fireplace, with its blazing four-foot log, the dog on one side and the cat on the other, while my father told stories that had to be repeated as the stock ran out, and I was gradually lulled to sleep by the soft thunder of my mother's spinning wheel.

When they reached land it was early night; and save that the wind had lulled considerably, they would not have been able to get in for a long time after that.

Falsely he lulls into some dangerous noose, And then as meanly labours to get loose.

Sound is there none, Save evermore the fierce wind's sweep and moan, From whose grey hands the keen white snow is shaken In desperate gusts, that fitfully lull and waken, Dense as night's darkness round thy towers of stone.

The raft rose and fell, rose and fell, so monotonously as to lull his consciousness imperceptibly; his head drooped forward, and with fingers still automatically gripped for support, he fell sound asleep also.

One of him was lulled irresistibly into sharing her mood of serene detachment.

As she came, tired, through the plantation, with the evening glow and the light wind, in which the branches were rustling and the leaves dropping, lulling her luxuriously, she heard some one striding swiftly along the path behind.

The growing excitement of the crowd, as though a crisis were approaching, merely lulled her more.

The fitful winds, which had already played so many fierce antics that eventful night, sensibly lulled, and, giving one or two sighs, as if regretting that they were about to be curbed again by that almighty Master, from whose benevolent hands they had so furtively escaped, as suddenly ceased blowing.

He sat down in his own particular easy-chair, dozing behind the shelter of a newspaper, and lulled agreeably by the low sound of Gilbert and Marian's conversation.

I deny not, that in the opening of a concert, I have experienced something vastly lulling and agreeable:afterwards followeth the languor, and the oppression.

What if the wise man's attitude, and the wise nation's attitude, is that of the Jews rebuilding their ruined walls,the tool in one hand, and the sword in the other; for the wild Arabs are close outside, and the time is short, and the storm has only lulled awhile in mercy, that wise men may prepare for the next thunder-burst?

13 adverbs to describe how to  lull  - Adverbs for  lull