9 adverbs to describe how to maltreating

Abélard, justly fearing his resentment,yea, being cruelly maltreated at his instigation,removes his wife to the convent where she was educated, and induces her to take the veil.

It was taken by us in the last war, and sadly maltreated, but since then it has been captured by the Rebels and re-captured by the Imperialists.

The poor animals were horribly maltreated by the natives, who rained blows and flung filth upon them by way of giving concrete expression to their contempt for the Allies.

Thus the poor spirits were profanely maltreated, nay, sometimes severely punished, and even miserably flogged in effigy, when they betrayed symptoms of disaffection, or want of implicit fealty.

"No such idea exists or will enter into the heads of the Americans," answered Franklin, "unless you maltreat them quite scandalously."

"I won't permit any man to assault my servants and brutally maltreat them.

They expelled all but us, and some they have maltreated shamefully.

Violence was the order of the day, and apprehension and danger in regard to personal liberty was entirely transferred from the debtors to the creditors, who were individually maltreated by the crowd before the very eyes of the consul.

I can talk, to be sure, with the most incorrect fluency, and I can make myself understoodat all events by Italians, whose quick, sympathetic apprehension of one's meaning, and courteous readiness to assist a foreigner in any linguistic straits, are deserving of grateful recognition from all of us who, however involuntarily, maltreat their beautiful language.

9 adverbs to describe how to  maltreating  - Adverbs for  maltreating