10 adverbs to describe how to meagre

As the purpose of the work is to supply a Cyclopaedia for popular use, it is inevitable that students of special sciences or subjects should be occasionally disappointed at the comparatively meagre treatment of their respective departments of knowledge.

He sees that Nicholas held back from continuing the road to Odessa, though half the money spent in making the road an imperial plaything would have built a good, solid extension to that most important seaport; he sees that Nicholas dared not untie police regulations, and that commerce is wretchedly meagre.

THE GENERAL LAWS OF THE DIRECTORATE Our knowledge of the glands of internal secretions as an interlocking directorate presiding over all the functions of the organism is still exceedingly meagre.

His outfit was not more conspicuously meagre than O'Flynn's, yet the Irishman was held to be the moneyed man of his party.

A building so colossal in extent, and so monotonously meagre in conception, could not but have been a failure.

If the House were not careful, there would be a glut of Republicans in it, and the shares would be pitifully meagre.

Where, on the contrary, its exercise is regarded as the badge of dishonor and the vile office of the refuse and offscouring of the race, its largess must be proportionably meagre and scanty.

The series which begins, like the speech of the Intendant in "Les Plaideurs," "Avant la creation du monde" complies with the wish of (the judge?) by going on to the Deluge, in a train of singularly meagre figures, most haggard of whom is Cain, here represented (as in the Campo Santo of Pisa) receiving his death accidentally from the hand of Lamech.

His face was wofully meagre, and seemed scored and overlaid with care-marks.

In Ghosts this harmony is not so rich as in some later plays, because the drama of the present is disproportionately meagre.

10 adverbs to describe how to  meagre  - Adverbs for  meagre