7 adverbs to describe how to milking

Add the sugar and eggs beaten up, the flour and baking powder; lastly, 2 tablespoonfuls milk.

Add gradually a teacupful milk, and when it thickens, 2 ozs. grated cheese and seasoning, cayenne, and made mustard.

She "lugged" butter and milk regularly to the Careys (lugging is her own word for the act), and helped them in many ways, for she was fairly good at any kind of housework not demanding brains.

This is known in some sections as 'curdly' milk, and it comes from cows with certain inflammatory affections of the udder, or digestive diseases, or those which have been overdriven or worried.

Miss Janet says as long as she lives there she wants to see those cowsor other onescome down the lane by the orchard at milking timeonly she wishes there were more of them and a collie to drive them.

Blend flour and milk smoothly, and add gradually, also seasoning.

Mrs. Fuller hastily milked, and filling a large pail, Dove Eye bore it to their place of rendezvous, and the cows went forth to crop the dewy grass.

7 adverbs to describe how to  milking  - Adverbs for  milking