13 adverbs to describe how to mimics

she mimicked wickedly.

Panshine was there, talking a great deal about his journey, and very amusingly mimicking the various proprietors he had met, and parodying their conversation.

In that week, by whistling to him in my leisure hours, I taught him to perform almost perfectly that lively aria of Meyerbeer's, 'Folle è quei che l'oro aduna,' and also to mimic beautifully the chirping of a cricket.

Proprium humani ingenii est odisse quern laeseris!" "But if the world is large, if one leaves them to the peaceful enjoyment of power, if I ask only to be allowed to work, to live" "And to rear meek-natured sons to send them afterwards to submit to the yoke," continued Simoun, cruelly mimicking Basilio's tone.

he mimicked her ecstatically, not listening.

Or was it perhaps the third, less pretty but more vivid and animated, who sat behind the tea-tray, and mimicked so expressively a soldier shouldering his rifle, and another falling dead, in her effort to ask us "when the dreadful war would be over"?

There is a little simple farce at Drury Lane, called "Miss Lucy in Town," in which Mrs. Clive mimics the Muscovita admirably, and Beard, Amorevoli tolerably.

Barney mimicked indolently.

Fear has a creative force which invertedly mimics that of Love; but the difference between them is that Love is eternal and Fear is not.

I have no fancy for having her talking about me, and most likely mimicking me to other people.

There is a little simple farce at Drury Lane, called "Miss Lucy in Town," in which Mrs. Clive mimics the Muscovita admirably, and Beard, Amorevoli tolerably.

They mimic, often quite unconsciously the speech and gesture of the person.

And she mimicked him, gleefully, speaking in a low whisper.

13 adverbs to describe how to  mimics  - Adverbs for  mimics