34 adverbs to describe how to moments

" A moment afterward, she appeared before them smiling, and said: "There was no occasion for being so frightened, but I am getting nervous with all this flurry.

The little crowd stood for a moment speechless, gazing with woebegone expressions on their faces at the wreck of their hopes and handiwork; then the silence was broken by a subdued chuckle coming from the other side of the wall on their left, and every one, with a start and a sudden clinching of fists, cried simultaneously: "The Philistines!"

And for a moment they could hear, like a pulsation through the depths, the hard panting of his breath; then, with scarcely a moment for rest, they heard the sound of his progress onward, as if he did battle with the mountain, and his own swiftness carried him like another wind.

It is at precisely these moments that the voyager wonders: "what can I tell myself - what I can write down that will make me remember this experience beyond words?

And, indeed, the first moments past, Rushford found the Prince an entertaining fellow, with a fund of anecdote and experience decidedly unusual.

He reflected a moment ere he answered.

[the sea] doubtfully One Moment, and then, sheathing, Courtain, said, "What tales are these?" W. Morris, The Earthly Paradise ("August").

He gazed at her for a moment fiercely from under his black brows; then suddenly and disconcertingly he seized her by the wrists.

He was politeness itself to all; but he withstood Lady Tyrrell's earnest entreaties to come in and see some Florentine photographs, growing stiffer and graver each moment, while his wife waxed more wrathful at the treatment which she knew was wounding her friend, and began almost to glory in having incurred his displeasure herself.

And when the rings were exchanged, the matter-of-course expression on the faces of the bridal pair aroused a peculiar emotion in hera mixture of sadness, envy, and quiet resentment that so heavenly a moment should pass by two such stolid souls.

Jerking out sentences by spasms, at length he said, "I was a beggarI am a gentlemanthanks to this" Here he leaned on my shoulder heavily a moment, and then fell back.

But she went on feeling from moment to moment more horribly in the way, and at last with a simulated yawn she said she was going to bed.

The number of hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second between these two corrected records represents the difference in solar time between the two places, and incidentally the same moment of time has been established for bothat least, so it would appear.

Ponder this matter but a moment justly, and you shall see that you have all to lose and nought to gain by yielding to this idle fancy.

She has from that moment onwards turned the land into a prison: the frontiers are armed against Belgians like a battle front..

He left the tent, and paused for a moment outside to touzle affectionately the trampish heads of the bear dogs.

His manners might have failed him for one heated moment overnight; they were beyond all praise this morning; and I repeatedly discerned a morbid sporting dread of giving the adversary less than fair play.

The somber-faced proprietor turned his gaze from the Merrick group to the stranger, eyed him pensively a moment and then faced the wagon again.

Night thickened perceptibly every moment, yet still while the eastern slope of every roof was jet black, the western slopes were bright, and here and there at the distance the light turned and waned on upper windows.

"I have been thinking over what you said the other day regarding the relationship of crime to progress, Mr. Tutt, and I'm rather of the opinion that it's rot," announced Tutt as he strolled across from his own office to that of his senior partner for a cup of tea at practically the very moment when Mr. Hepplewhite was advising Mrs. Wells.

He soothed her for a moment silently; should he leave her under such a misunderstanding?

But a moment sinceWell, by the gods!

" "Well, my friend, may I inquire what are your opinions on religious subjects?" "The man, yet reclining," said the Archbishop, "looked at me sleepily a moment, and replied, "'My opinion is that them as made me will take care of me.'

"What do you mean by that?" My friend expectorated, looking off into the night soberly a moment.

Stella, whose eyes were still bright with the excitement of the music, laid her hand for a moment softly in his.

34 adverbs to describe how to  moments  - Adverbs for  moments