6 adverbs to describe how to moralize

Her humble cousin, the yellow Nuphar, keeps commonly aloof, as becomes a poor relation, though created from the selfsame mud,a fact which Hawthorne has beautifully moralized.

"Very often the way we think and act makes us happy or unhappy," moralized Peter, broadly.

Seneca, in more temperate language, bewails the fall of the high hopes that he had conceived of his former pupil, finely moralizing that "High fortunes, like strong wines, do trie their vessels."

So assured seemed the event, that English journalists moralized gravely on the inherent weakness of Democracy.

What deserts of dust he wrought in, and what a jungle of false growths he had to clear away, Dryasdust and Smelfungus mournfully hint and indignantly moralize,under such significant names does this new Rhadamanthus reveal the real sins of mankind, and deliver them over to the judgment of their peers.

An older man might have inwardly moralized on the folly of the animal, aping humanity in thus earnestly striving after what would yield no nourishment when obtained.

6 adverbs to describe how to  moralize  - Adverbs for  moralize