235 adverbs to describe how to murmuring

"Sir," she softly murmured "are you the noble hero who overcame the shark?" Mr. P. looked up at her.

she faintly murmured.

"Pitty lady," murmured little Nan drowsily, and John caught her up and kissed her,he could not have told why.

The people, however, were still discontented, and still murmured aloud; upon which the prince said, "Return then, and I will go alone.

she murmured absently.

"Of course they are," the Captain murmured feebly.

she murmured vaguely, and, turning away from him, pursued her way to the door.

" "No?" murmured Donnegan hoarsely.

His limbs looked quite shrunk and powerless, as he rested his head on the table before him, and murmured incoherently from time to time, 'My own child!

"I'm game," murmured Spinrobin almost inaudibly; "I'm game, Mr. Skale.

"He was willing to sell me, his own flesh and blood," she murmured dreamily.

"I'll be darned," the Ramblin' Kid murmured half audibly, "Old Heck is goin' to 'Uriah' Parker!"

"Oh, don't you ever want Piers?" she murmured wistfully.

"For a boy, he has a good knowledge of business; for a foreigner, he has an excellent conception of modern American methods," she murmured thoughtfully.

"You see I had a gun," he murmured rather apologetically.

" "I'm not ordered to stay there, I hope, sir?" murmured Dave anxiously.

" "I'll wait for you," murmured Donnegan sadly, and he stood as the door of the little building with bowed head.

Ever since the rumour of the onrush of their foe reached Medina, they had murmured openly against their leader's rule.

But Beaumaroy's face betrayed nothing, as he murmured politely: "To me, at all events, Mr. Naylor.

'I don't affect eccentricity, but I'm afraid I really am eccentric,' murmured Mary, meekly, 'for I like so many things I ought not to like, and detest so many things which I ought to admire.'

Never had there been seen so dense a crowd in the Place de Grève; and as she glanced hurriedly around, unaware of the popular reaction of feeling, she cowered for an instant panic-struck, and murmured helplessly: "Oh, what a multitude to gaze upon a miserable woman!" Not a word, not a gesture of vengeance or of hate, escaped, however, from the populace.

The car stopped with a jerk; Mr. Heatherbloom murmured something hurriedly and dived for the door.

No one observed this but Aunt Plumy from the recesses of her pantry, and she folded her hands as if well content, as she murmured fervently over a pan full of crullers, "Bless the dears!

His face smoothed its troubled frowns into a look of shining anticipationthe look that Samuel's face had worn when first he ushered Blossy into his tidy, little home and murmured huskily: "Mis' Darby, yew're master o' the vessel naow; I'm jest fo'castle hand.

Some such diversity both of words and of gestures did she employ, at the same time gazing at and murmuring to him sweetly.

235 adverbs to describe how to  murmuring  - Adverbs for  murmuring