28 adverbs to describe how to musical

It was one of those low, light voices which are apt to have very little range or volume, and which break and tremble absurdly under any stress of emotion; and often they become shrill in a higher register; but inside conversational limits, if such a term may be used, there is no fiber so delightful, so purely musical.

It moved on so swiftly,the chime of the oars, tiny oars they were, was so sweetly, softly musical, the very drippling drops fell so like globules of silver, that I forgot my mission.

Her voice was softly musical, and somehow she was no longer cold and forbidding.

His countenance was mild and pleasant; his eyes were clear and quick; his eyebrows were dark and prominent; his gestures varied but not violent; his jet black hair was parted from his crown to his brow;" his voice was peculiarly musical, and his diction was elegant and easy, without giving the appearance of previous elaboration.

Shrill, yet wonderfully musical, shaking the heart with a singular wild sweetness that defies description, we heard it rise and fall upon the night air.

His temperament is essentially musical, and, indeed, it was from him that I borrowed, in a former paragraph, my description of Jenny Lind and her effect on her hearers.

He seemed to be all alone, and to be feeling very lonely that night; and he was leaning over the rail, peering out into the mist, humming to himself a sweet, wild air in a strange but exceedingly musical tongue.

Very far away in the night reveille was sounding for some regiment outward bound; and then the bugles blew for another regiment and another, and another, until everywhere the darkened world grew gaily musical with the bugle's warning.

And the thought took possession of the word and tone, and made them simply grand and heavenly musical.

' He fell into a flow of Welsh, hoarsely musical.

Another curious change produced by this Western climate is, that it turns all my Presbyterian friends instrumentally musical.

The bedstead became a household article, no longer looked upon with superstitious awe; and musical instrumentsprincipally of the harp patternbegan to find favor in their eyes, and were passed round from hand to hand, like the drinking-bowl, at their rude festivals.

It is rich in oriental passion and imagery, brilliant in expression, and intensely musical.

On the edge of this granite basin, with showers of spray breaking over it, a little bird bobbed and dipped and, lifting its head with its own inimitably bright gesture, broke into a sweet singing as liquidly musical as the falling water.

They rang out at last with a clear silvery tone, most beautifully musical indeed.

Denied the use of his eyes as a guide to the form of his later verse, he must have repeated aloud these groups of lines and changed them until their cadence satisfied his remarkably musical ear.

It bears evidence of having been written by a man capable of appreciating the poetry of Tasso, and one who, while unable to strike the higher chords of lyric composition, was yet able to render the Italian into graceful and unassuming, if seldom wholly musical or adequate, verse.

In the line, 'Full màny a tàle theír mùsic tèlls,' there are at least four accents or stresses of the voice, with faint pauses after them, just enough to separate the continuous stream of sound into these four parts, to be read thus: Fullmanyataletheirmusictells,[503] by which, new combinations of sound are produced, of a singularly musical character.

he shouted in his mellow and sonorously musical bellow.

Upon the whole, as they are perfectly consistent with their own ideas, and are strictly musical as pronounced by themselves, they afford us as high a proof of their poetical powers, as the works of the most acknowledged poets.

"Juanita," he said, in a tone so soft, so thrillingly musical, that I shall never forget it, "what has come between us?

Last of all, final assurance of a new season's advent, by day and by night, swelling, diminishing, unfailingly musical as distant chiming bells, came the sound of all most typical of prairie and of spring.

Who that has read Shelley does not recollect scraps worthy to stand by Ariel's songchaste, simple, unutterably musical?

Yet after breaking his heart, as he supposed, for the gifted and fickle woman who became a successful prima donna,after losing her, he did that most impossible thing which could never happen in real fiction, and sought his consolation in the arms and in the heart of Aloysia's younger sister, who was not especially pretty, and was only modestly musical.

To effect this purpose Mr. Pope arose, who with an ear elegantly delicate, and the advantage of the finest genius, so harmonized the English numbers, as to make them compleatly musical.

28 adverbs to describe how to  musical  - Adverbs for  musical