64 adverbs to describe how to narrowed

While this abnormal increase is, in part, due to sumptuary legislationfor approximately 30,000 cases now pending arise under the prohibition statutesyet, eliminating these, there yet remains an increase in nine years of over 400 per cent, in the comparatively narrow sphere of the federal criminal jurisdiction.

"Now," said Miss Anderson when Violet had returned minus her pumps, "try to remember that it's just like a spelling match, girls; gradually we'll narrow down to the two best runners.

These berths, to be sure, were so exceedingly narrow as to be insufficient for more than one person; still, I could not comprehend why there were three staterooms for these four persons.

"Well," he said, "the search is now considerably narrowed down, considerably!

" Dr. Blundell had always regarded Sir Timothy Crewys as a commonplace contradictory gentleman, beset by prejudices which belonged properly to an earlier generation, and of singularly narrow sympathies and interests.

At this relatively narrow place the glacier was very hummocky and rent by many deep crevasses, so that we often feared that we could not advance farther.

I am just a man who has led an unusually narrow and cramped life until these last few months.

My impression remained that the strip of beach was decidedly narrow, and generally bordered by a rather thick growth of dwarfed shrub.

On the boat went, however, now sheering to starboard, now to port, to avoid projecting spurs of ice, until she had ploughed her way through a fearfully narrow, and a deviating passage, that sometimes barely permitted them to go through, until a spot was reached where the two fields which formed this strait actually came in close crushing contact with each other.

" The man's eyes narrowed craftily.

The ray travelled down a moraine of broken coal, so broad at the base that it covered the whole cellar floor, but narrowing upwards and towards the manhole through which the daylight shone.

The paddles used are curiously narrow and pointed.

The daughters of devout and consequently narrow-minded and ignorant mothers, of sceptical and libertine fathers, they spend five or six years at school, where they consummate the loss of what may have escaped the baneful example of their family.

Excessively narrow entrances, with simple doors, conduct into the interior.

She insensibly but continually narrowed and hardened, and, without dreaming of such a thing, really came to be less and less a part of her husband's inner life.

I was narrow in my viewsI was astonishingly narrow; but I was keen.

The stream was so small, and the girding of the forest so close, that there was little range for the sight; but the anxious wife and mother could perceive that the hills drew together, at this point, the valley narrowing essentially, that rocks began to appear in the bed of the river, and that the growth of the timber indicated fertility and a generous soil.

There was a bulldog look about his mouth and jaw, and his forehead was strangely narrow.

The seats vary in size, and include both the moderately narrow and the full square for family use.

The streets are all of them very narrow, and there are also a number of exceptionally narrow and complicated passages and alleys, which have been the scenes of crimes innumerable in days gone by.

"I heard a movementthat narrow front-door was unclosing, and some shape was about to issue from the grange.

Oddly, while Anna forced a smile, her visitor's eyes narrowed and her lips tightened.

It is true, as we have seen, that there is a cross-current of reversion to narrower orthodoxy, caused by the War.

" Olga had stopped smiling now and her brows were narrowing painfully.

Her drab-colored gown, not high in the neck, was bordered by a plain narrow tucker of fine muslin, visible under her snow-white neckerchief.

64 adverbs to describe how to  narrowed  - Adverbs for  narrowed