6 adverbs to describe how to nineties

She said her father died and was buried at the Manistee River (North), that he was very old, and died of old ageprobably ninety.

This method appears, with certain slight variations, in approximately ninety per cent of the trials which involved incorrect choices.

That the relative humidity of the air is not the all-important factor was often proved by the bad scent experienced just before rain and storms, when the hygrometer showed a saturation of considerably over ninety per cent.

This state of things lasted for practically ninety years, during which period Finland made wonderful progress both economic and intellectual, so that by the end of the nineteenth century she was one of the happiest, most enlightened, and most prosperous countries in Northern Europe.

I owned the lease for precisely ninety days, when I sold it to a company for half a fortune.

"They can be scarcely less than ninety feet," was the reply, "and they are very fine specimens of the family; but the great chestnut which is the only tree in the field on the left of the house is broader.

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