151 adverbs to describe how to obtain

This scanty equipment did not prove adequate for extinguishing fires and petitions were circulated requesting the council to purchase two fire engines of the more approved pattern, and also to construct a number of cisterns in the central part of the city, so that an adequate supply of water could be readily obtained.

You might not ride in a public vehicle, or dine at a public table, or put up at an inn for fear of falling in with attorneys and obtaining briefs from them surreptitiously.

I had still a month's leave of absence before me, availing myself of which, I started next morning for New York, subsequently obtained an extension of leave, sailed for England, and there negotiating an exchange from a regiment whose facings no longer suited my taste for colors, I soon found myself gazetted into a less objectionable one lying at Corfu.

It seemed to be an acknowledged axiom in this, that every person who offered a slave for sale had a right to sell him, however fraudulently he might have obtained him.

Over them, without seeking it, he gradually obtained an extraordinary ascendancy, of which the following is a single instance.

In this disposition, Madame Récamier speedily obtained a leading influence over Paris society, and when it was notorious that from four to six every day the "Divinity" would be visible in her salons, her salons became the place of pilgrimage for all Paris.

The whole sum annually obtained from Holland by these means amounted to about thirty millions of florins (or three million pounds sterling), being at the rate of about one pound thirteen shillings four pence from every soul inhabiting the country.

Ultimately these towns obtained freedom.

It was Squire Davenport's wish to obtain the business as cheaply as possible.

It is obtained principally from cows' milk; that from ewes is the fattest; goats also supply some.

For this sum a better article could be supplied than is ordinarily obtained at prices varying from 25s.

I can not think that a person of your age would wantonly destroy a human life merely to obtain an umbrella.

Deservedly obtained, it heals every wound, and soothes all pain; nay, the mere hope of it will steel him against every danger, and sustain him amidst disease, penury, neglect, and oppression.

Secondly, you could perhaps obtain cross-references to yet other ologies than those you remembered.

Europeans can, therefore, rarely obtain any correct statistical information in Morocco: all is proximate and conjectural.

A moderate subscription was promptly obtained, the larger part of it, as I am informed, through the liberality of Gerrit Smith, now a representative in Congress from New York, whose large pecuniary contributions to all philanthropic objects, as well as his zealous efforts in the same direction both with the tongue and the pen, have made him so conspicuous.

They have all not only been illegally obtained as servants according to Hebrew law, but they are also illegally held in bondage.

And if the British consumer of aniline dyes can obtain his raw material more advantageously from the German than from the British producer, he will probably be ready to do so for the greater gain of more economic production in his own business.

Some is commonly obtained from contractors at foreign ports; but to avoid complicating the subject we may leave contract issues out of consideration.

It was characteristic and worthy of the man that he was among the first to sue for a formal pardon from President Johnson; not for any advantage which he personally could obtain thence, but to set the example of submission to his comrades-in-arms, and to reconcile them to a humiliation without which the conquerors refused them that restitution to civil rights necessary to any effort to retrieve their own or their country's fortunes.

They were formerly in good use, and consequently obtained a place in our vocabulary, from which no lexicographer, so far as I know, has yet thought fit to discard them; but, being irregular, they are manifestly becoming obsolete, or at least showing a tendency to throw off these questionable forms.

My object, my sole object, is to obtain a harmonious settlement of this matter outside of the courts.

To represent it as a reward commensurate with the merits of Wordsworth and Tennyson, or even of Southey, is to rate three first-class names in modern poetry on a level with the names of those third-rate "poetillos" who, during the eighteenth century, obtained the same reward for two intolerable effusions yearly.

They are built of logs as long as can be conveniently obtained, and consist of three divisions, the front a store with a rude counter, behind this the living-rooms of the factor and his assistants, and in the rear the great storeroom for the year's supplies.

This would give to the Supreme Government a more catholic character than it now possesses, and perhaps in some degree diminish the jealousy of Calcutta influence which obtains so extensively.

151 adverbs to describe how to  obtain  - Adverbs for  obtain