37 adverbs to describe how to occasioned

This was afterwards developed into far more revolting complexities of misery and incomprehensible darkness; and perhaps I am wrong in ascribing any value as a causative agency to this particular case on the Bath roadpossibly it furnished merely an occasion that accidentally introduced a mode of horrors certain, to any rate, to have grown up, with or without the Bath road, from more advanced stages of the nervous derangement.

There were no dues, and consequently no occasion for a secretary or treasures.

And afterward, during almost a century, Finland never occasioned any worries, political or economic, to the Russian Government, and did not require special sacrifices or special solicitude on its part.

The function of an arbitrator, usually to decide questions of fact and to assess compensation for inconvenience, most commonly the inconvenience occasioned to a private person by some necessary act of the State, also rests upon the consent of the parties, though in this case the consent is usually imposed upon them by the State through some legislative enactment or through the decision of a court.

To this altered rule it will be necessary that you should, both in your acts and your language, conform; practically, perhaps, no very marked difference of results will be occasioned.

They came on with a growling kind of noise, and mounted the piece of timber, which, as I said, was our breastwork, as if they were only rushing upon their prey; and this fury of theirs, it seems, was principally occasioned by their seeing our horses behind us.

Dumont has, indeed, virtually occasioned the death of several; in particular the Duc du Chatelet, the Comte de Bethune, Mons.

Without passion, sullenness, or design, perfectly obliging and engaging, his affections were as much tied to me, as those of a child to its parents; & I might venture to say, he would have sacrificed his life for the saving mine, upon any occasion whatsoever.

If it should happen that the propositions were not carried in that House or the other, such a complication of mischiefs might follow, as might occasion them heartily to lament that they were ever introduced.

They do not invariably occasion indisposition, for they are now and then passed without pain or distress by children who are in the enjoyment of perfect health, and in whom previously there was not the slightest suspicion of their existence.

Frithiof, horror-stricken at the sacrilege which he had involuntarily occasioned, after vainly trying to extinguish the flames and save the costly sanctuary, escaped to his ship and waiting companions, to begin the weary life of an outcast and exile.

Vous avez offert en différentes occasions de me marier.

The length of coronary cushion removed in this operation is from 1/4 to 1/2 inch (we ourselves, however, have seen it more), and yet its loss seems to occasion no serious after-trouble beyond a slight deformity of the parts beneath.

I hope, sir, Noe occasion offerd in my house Breedes your distast; I should be sorry if It be soe, and conceald from me.

Ordinarily such a visitor would have occasioned her no surprise or alarm.

The annual occasion once past, she withdrew again into her seclusion, and except for a very few friends was as invisible to the world as if she had dwelt in a nunnery.

This idea is annihilating; I feel it, but I shall not willingly occasion sorrow to any one.

It was occasioned primarily by a "pressure of activity," for which the tearing of druggets served as a vent.

Why this extreme tension of the mind, when thus outwardly occasioned, should create in us an interest, we know not; but such is the fact, and we are not only content to endure it for a time, but even crave it, and give to the feeling the epithet sublime.

Suddenly the horizon had become clouded, a storm had gathered and burst, and an eclipse could scarcely have occasioned more terror to the untutored roamer of the wilderness, than this unexpected catastrophe to one so inexperienced in the power of the passions as our heroine.

The considerable and long-continued heat and irritation that is produced in the throat when Mezereon is chewed, induced Dr. Withering to think of giving it in a case of difficulty of swallowing, seemingly occasioned by a paralytic affection.

Works, i. 113, it is said:'In whole quires of his Histories, Animated Nature, &c., he had seldom occasion to correct or alter a single word.'

" The examination was effected, and the result was a confirmation, beyond doubt or quibble, that death, as Dr. Parkinson had declared, had been solely occasioned by cholera.

About four o'clock in the afternoon, I reached within a league of the island, and perceived the points of the rock, which caused this disaster, stretching out, as I observed before, to the southward, which throwing off the current more southwardly had occasioned another eddy to the north.

No other nation has ever existed which could have endured such violent expansions and contractions of paper credits without lasting injury; yet the buoyancy of youth, the energies of our population, and the spirit which never quails before difficulties will enable us soon to recover from our present financial embarrassments, and may even occasion us speedily to forget the lesson which they have taught.

37 adverbs to describe how to  occasioned  - Adverbs for  occasioned