32 adverbs to describe how to once

"If she's been up 'ere once in the last week to, know whether the <i>Silvia</i> is up she's been four or five times," he growled.

what a relief; I stood up straight once more in the stature of a man.

The Celtæ were so afraid of their foes that they made a truce with him not merely once but twice.

The shape was so old-fashioned that I do not remember ever having seen one like it; the silk, which had doubtless once been its adornment, was torn into shreds, and it was impossible to tell what its original colour had been; the wood was worm-eaten and decayed, and the leg upon which it had rested could no longer support its weight.

Some of these tribes definitely once formed a part of the earlier Hsia state.

He's a bitter, disappointed man, who loved desperately once, as only real sensualists can... and now he's in love with a ghost.

"We used to think differently once.

But I could see none, for though the great soft lout of a ruddy beer-vat tried often to look under the brim of her hat, yet she kept her eyes downonly once, that I could observe, raising them, and that was more towards the Red Tower than in the direction of Michael Texel.

Jack's fist rose and fell once and the form in the bunk gasped feebly once and lay still.

He glanced at me furtively once or twice to observe the effect of his wordshis manner.

Consider, again, that He who spoke as never man yet spake in Jerusalem, might speak as man never yet spoke on English soil; that He who was listened to gladly once, because He spake with authority, and not as the scribes, at second hand, and by rule and precedent, might be listened to gladly here once more.

And if once any of the former phenomena is believed, heedlessly at once the rest [lacuna] Accordingly, the sacrifices were offered and all the other ceremonies were accomplished which men are in the habit of performing for the cure of their temporary terror and for escape from expected ruin.

Adv. with haste, with all haste, with breathless speed; in haste &c adj.; apace &c (swiftly) 274; amain^; all at once &c (instantaneously) 113; at short notice &c; immediately &c (early) 132; posthaste; by cable, by express, by telegraph, by forced marches. hastily, precipitately &c adj.; helter-skelter, hurry-skurry^, holus-bolus; slapdash, slap-bang; full-tilt, full drive; heels over head, head and shoulders, headlong, a corps perdu

With regard to another point, a clergyman who knew Sir Andrew very intimately once told me that "No man of this century had a more keenly religious mind; he was so saturated with thoughts of God and so convinced that God had spoken to man.

I saw itin a way to be sure of itonly once.

" Pope referred to Defoe twice in the Dunciad: once as standing high, fearless and unabashed in the pillory, and once, libellously, as the father of Norton, of the Flying Post.

C'est la grande passion which comes only once in a lifeonly once.

As I felt for another match, I heard him pounding the stairand suddenly there was a sort of scuffle and he cried out loudly once, and there was the sound of a fall, and then of lighter steps hurrying away, and then a heavy, rattling groan.

The showman with his freight upon his back, And once, perchance, in lapse of many years MS. to Sir George Beaumont, 1805.]

Dr. D. G. Brinton likewise gives an account of the interment of collected bones: East of the Mississippi nearly every nation was accustomed at stated periodsusually once in eight or ten yearsto collect and clean the osseous remains of those of its number who had died in the intervening time, and inter them in one common sepulcher, lined with choice furs, and marked with a mound of wood, stone, or earth.

"You are too fine for us, mon brave," she said pettishly once to this chasseur.

Her face was brown, but it had plainly once been fair.

" "Oh, I know them," Racey declared, confidently (he had been at the Dales' precisely once).

There was one ritual we adhered to quite regularly once a fortnight, after we had put the paper to bed, we took to the city to celebrate.

The Countess Shulski had been through many vicissitudes with these two since her husband's death, but seldomonly once perhapshad they gone down to such poverty-stricken surroundings.

32 adverbs to describe how to  once  - Adverbs for  once