33 adverbs to describe how to originals

The English language teems with phrases once strikingly original but now smooth-worn and vulgarized by incessant repetition.

But if I must be divorced, it really strikes me as delightfully original to have it done by the Patriarch of Constantinople!

He was as boldly original as Schubert, and as great a magician in the art of arousing deep emotion by means of novel, unexpected modulations.

GREATEST MAIL SERVICE IN THE WORLD The mail service of the American armies in France and Belgium was one of the most remarkably original features of the war.

In fact, when Miss Lord's translation of A Doll's House appeared in the eighteen-eighties, and so excited some of my Socialist friends that they got up a private reading of it in which I was cast for the part of Krogstad, its novelty as a morally original study of a marriage did not stagger me as it staggered Europe.

" Thus far Carlyle had confined himself to biography and essays on German literature, in which his extraordinary insight is seen; but now he enters another field, and writes a strictly original essay, called "Characteristics," published in the Edinburgh Review in the prolific year of 1831, in which essay we see the germs of his philosophy.

So soon as a language has become literary, so soon as there is a gap between the speech of books and that of life, the language becomes, so far as poetry is concerned, almost as dead as Latin, and (as in writing Latin verses) a mind in itself essentially original becomes in the use of such a medium of utterance unconsciously reminiscential and reflective, lunar and not solar, in expression and even in thought.

There was also a small side-window, affording a view of a bit of yard, quite private, and pleasant in its season, with an oval patch of grass, some hollyhocks, a grape-vine trained over a pretty structure of lattice to form a sort of summer-house, and a martin-box, in a decidedly original church-pattern, mounted on a tall, white pole.

Those pepper feet I regarded as peculiarly my own, a purely original creation.

He is, however, limitedly originalperhaps intensely original within his narrow scope.

"I intend going to the French Students' masquerade ball to-night, and I want a distinctly original costumesomething I may be sure no one else will wear.

If never eminently original, he has the art of enunciating common-places with felicity and grace.

Again, though the group is forcibly original, this effect of originality is produced, as in all the best work of the golden age, not by new and startling conception, but by the handling of an old and well-worn motive with the grandeur of consummate style.

The result was yet another style of paintingcomparable in certain ways to that of Bundi and Udaipur yet markedly original in its total effect.

Indeed, he was not only the central figure in English literature for a generation, but he was regarded as peculiarly original.

" "It is true that he has uttered a profoundly original thought, but, unfortunately, the depth of its originality is surpassed by its fathomless stupidity.

so quaintly original, and the sensitive mind of this man again caused his nerve-muscular actionhis gestureto harmonize with his mood.

In this, as in all his works, he compiles and adapts, but is only rarely original.

Markham was the most refreshingly original person she had ever met.

Ninon was amazed when she found her "bon homme," as she called him, in the startlingly original disguise of a shepherd, a crook in his hand, a wallet hanging by his side, and a great flapping straw hat, trimmed with rose colored silk on his head.

The music, arranged by Mr. HERMAN DAREWSKI, is catchy and not uncomfortably original: and the scenery, designed by Captain BAIRNSFATHER, gives one, I should say, as good an idea of the trenches as one can get without going there.

His Sentimental Tommy (1896), although not so widely popular, is an unusually original, semi-autobiographical story of imaginative boyhood.

The scene shifts to Naples, and we meet a villaful of men and women, all of them admirably original and human.

It cannot be denied, however, that their processes of thought are sulphitic; indeed, they are so wildly original, so fanciful, that we must denominate all such crazed brains, Hypo-Sulphites.

A stream of oaths and curses appallingly original poured from him, not as through the lips alone but from his very eyes and nostrils.

33 adverbs to describe how to  originals  - Adverbs for  originals