503 adverbs to describe how to pass

Diggory was one of the first to leave the dining-hall, and, passing swiftly out of the quadrangle, was soon hurrying across the junior playing field.

A man with whom I pass the time pleasantly and profitably, although he will not admit a fear of ghosts, still will not sleep in an empty house because of possible noises.

The darkness proved a great protection, as the horsemen, between whom he passed, were unable to detect him in his disguise; supposing him to be a woman, they neither halted him nor followed him, and he passed safely on into the corn-field, where he concealed himself.

The matter, however, is too serious to be passed over lightly, and you must hear me to the end.

Scarcely sixteen summers had passed over her head; and yetsuch is Indian lifeshe had already been a wife and a mother; and now, alas!

Crossing from these shallower regions occupied by the ooze into deeper soundings, we find, universally, that the calcareous formation gradually passes into, and is finally replaced by, an extremely fine pure clay, which occupies, speaking generally, all depths below 2,500 fathoms, and consists almost entirely of a silicate of the red oxide of iron and alumina.

And this was when he was strong and well, and all idea that he would turn hysterical or become a seer of visions had happily passed away.

Then the Quebec Assembly unanimously passed an Alien Act in May 1794, and suspected characters began to find that two could play at the game.

The vehicles in the street are few in number, and are merely passing through; the stores are shrunken into shops; you see here and there, like a patch of bright mould, the stall of that significant fungus, the Chinaman.

Their lives are wholes and they continually pass from one "subject" to another, because life and its circumstances are making new demands.

That there is a ridiculous infatuation attached by some people to dreams, which have no meaning, and which are the offsprings of the day's thoughts, even among persons whose education should inform them better, particularly among the fair sex, cannot be denied; indeed, a conversation seldom passes among them, but some inconsistent dream or other, form a leading feature of their gossip; and doubtless is with them an hysterical symptom.

I think they erred, for they assumed that I had the body of an Indian, which does not perish till a blow is struck at its heart; whereas I am confident that any white man would be dead of the anguish long ere the fire had passed beyond his knees.

As he peered under his helmet at Dorn a low whining passed in the air overhead.

Och, acushla wirasthu!" Believing that the matron will be less agitated if left alone, and, probably, able to get a little roadside sleep, EDWIN DROOD passes onward in deep thought.

" "What!" "Fanny, you cannot understand," said the young girl, with a slight blush; "I hope, if you are my real friend, as you say, that you will talk with Verty, when he comes, and make his time pass agreeably.

" They passed him successfully, and were just opposite the entrance, when three more boys sauntered through the doorway.

He passed the elder Giustinian hastily and paused beyond the next group of armorbattered breastplates, casques, and shields of the twelfth centurybut his thoughts were elsewhere.

Smith and Martin passed silently out into the bay, and moved slowly towards where the deer were feeding.

After this, he passed successively through the dignities of his order, and, in the intervals of his employment, applied himself to his studies with so extensive a capacity, as left no branch of knowledge untouched.

Congress passed it almost hurriedly in a spasm of progressiveness in 1909.

The House of Commons was no less slavish and unjust; they both petitioned for the execution of the Duke and afterward passed a bill of attainder against him.

The wood, which was all cut to the same length, and channelled out to admit the free passage of the air, was then duly placed in the stove, and set on fire; but the heat not passing very readily through all the sinuosities of the pipe, he ordered his head cook to screw on his exhauster.

" I stood in the doorway again watching the busy throng passing outside towards Royal Oak.

It is declared that in this engagement the French lost 151 guns and were unable to make a stand against the victorious Germans until they had passed inside of their secondary line of defense.

BOOK VIII Sayings of TsangSentences of the Master Speaking of T'ai-pih the Master said that he might be pronounced a man of the highest moral excellence; for he allowed the empire to pass by him onwards to a third heir; while the people, in their ignorance of his motives, were unable to admire him for so doing.

503 adverbs to describe how to  pass  - Adverbs for  pass