17 adverbs to describe how to passives

In the most favourite residence of liberty, the consent of individuals is merely passive; a tacit admission, in every community, of the terms which that community grants and requires.

The people, finally stung to a blind desperation and exhorted by their priests, rose in the summer of 1906, and by purely passive measuressuch as taking sanctuary, or bast, in large numbers in sacred places and in the grounds of the British Legation at Teheransucceeded in obtaining from Muzaffarn'd Din Shah, the father of Muhammad Ali, a constitution which he granted some six months before his death.

Allen says, "In the following construction, the words in italics are (elliptically) passive infinitives; I saw the bird caught, and the hare killed; we heard the letters read.

" Aunt Victoria, leaning back, exquisitely passive, in one of the big, shabby arm-chairs, raised a protesting hand.

Heretofore passive, the innate racial hostility became active.

I am wrong, though, in recalling Mary as invariably passive.

But though the former assurance does not differ from the latter in the degree, it is altogether diverse in the kind; the senses being morally passive, while the conscience is essentially connected with the will, though not always, nor indeed in any case, except after frequent attempts and aversions of will, dependent on the choice.

Johan remained passivetoo passive, Keith often thought.

It is important, because it will enable us to judge, upon sufficient foundations, of the conduct of the ministry, who are censured by the voice of the nation, for having been either defective in vigilance or in activity, for having been either ignorant by their own fault of the designs of the enemy, or perfidiously passive in permitting the execution of them.

Most of them, moreover, were politically passive, being simple soldiers.

The play is properly called The Jewess of Toledo; for Rachel, the Jewess, is at the centre of the action, and is a marvelous creation"a mere woman, nothing but her sex"; but the king, though relatively passive, is the most important character.

Grief made me selfishly passive, or I should have opened my eyes and theirs to the danger.

But it came always from her medical adviser: she herself had grown strangely passive and indifferent.

The Maréchal de Biron, like all men who have attained to a high station, and whose ambition prompts them to conciliate the goodwill of those by whom they are approached, possessed many friends; but the accusation of lèse-majesté under which he laboured was one of so formidable a nature that they remained totally passive; and it was only his near relatives who ventured to peril their own favour by making an appeal in his behalf.

She felt dimly that Aunt Victoria was less calmly passive than usual in a conversation, that it was not only the enchanting rising and falling inflections of her voice which talked, but her eyes, her arms, her whole self.

Commerce flourished; but it was universally passive, importing, but not exporting.

The leisurely and comparatively passive novel-reader may never miss a scene which an audience, with its instincts of logic and of economy keenly alert, may feel to be inevitable.

17 adverbs to describe how to  passives  - Adverbs for  passives