106 adverbs to describe how to peers

We sneaked along the cliff tops until over the rookeries; then lay flat on our stomachs and peered cautiously down on our quarry.

And then, as I peered, curiously, a new terror came to me; for away up among the dim peaks to my right, I had descried a vast shape of blackness, giantlike.

The latter had opened noiselessly, and the dark figure of a woman stood peering forth.

Fervently, I prayed, and ever peered, anxiously....

For a minute, perhaps, I peered, intently; but could hear nothing.

The elevator was coming down, fortunately, and she descended quickly and reached the street, where she peered eagerly up and down for the round, plump figure of the little millionaire.

"Seems to me you're inclined to be a little inquisitive, Dab," said Ford, as his friend peered sharply into and around one craft after another; but just then Dabney sang out, "Hullo, Jersey, what are you doing with two grapnels?

" He rose to his knees and peered keenly out through the gloom.

The crowds of people on the levee, attracted by the constant arrival of steam-boats, had a motley appearance; many of these were rough-looking fellows, fit for any occupation, most of them being armed with bowie knives, the silver hilts of which could often be seen peering suspiciously from under the waistcoat, in the inner lining of which a case or scabbard of leather is sewn for the reception of the weapon.

And so did I hide and creep, and oft pause to a time of shaking quiet; and afterward gather something of new courage, and go onward; and peer upward at that monstrous House, stood above me in the night.

Then, so quietly that I had not heard his approach, a lad, of ten perhaps, came to the entrance, and, timidly peering up into my face, asked, "Is it my father you wish to see, Sir?" How beautiful!

He stooped, as he spoke, and peered up inquisitively at the back of the mummy, where it was visible between the supports.

" Tunk opened the horse's mouth and stood a moment, peering thoughtfully at his teeth.

Nice Clarence!" "Does he come?" inquired the girl, peering wistfully through the railing.

"What was it?" asked Migwan, peering fearfully into the shadows behind the house.

He could not see, for his back was resolutely toward it and he was gripping the cover of the book hard to steady his hands; but he felt a breath of colder air from the outer hall; he felt above all a new presence peering in upon him, like a winter-starved lynx that might flatten its round face against the window and peer in at the lazy warmth and comfort of the humans around the hearth inside.

"You walked?" "Yep," he went on, heedless of the fact that Pete Reeve was peering earnestly into the face of his companion, now puckered with the earnest frown of thought.

" "Are there nono men in the housenone at all?" enquired the girl, peering into the surrounding gloom nervously.

" Mr. Gibbs scowled and, tilting his mug, peered gloomily into the interior.

As Lewisham peered doubtfully at the dim faces near him, a girl's voice addressed him by name.

The lamp swung directly in front of the crevice through which we peered breathlessly, and for a few seconds it was the only object that was visible.

Captain Selover came to my side and leaned over the rail, peering critically at the black water against the piles.

Even as I peered downward at it, this field was transformed into a width of brown corduroy trimmed with green velvet.

It was a thrilling sight as the lone watchers peered backward.

I talked with Harwood at the wheel, and waited, occasionally walking over to the rail, and peering out into the mist uneasily.

106 adverbs to describe how to  peers  - Adverbs for  peers