114 adverbs to describe how to permit

As I readily paid them the unsuspected homage of my soul, I was graciously permitted to pass the gate.

You cannot know that the house is watched!" If he had expected to surprise my father, he must have felt a poignant disappointment; but perhaps he knew that surprise was a sentiment he seldom permitted.

We affected with mild philosophy to study a situation that not only did not require study but scarcely permitted it by candid souls.

ii. 555) records:'During the whole of my intimacy with Dr. Johnson he rarely permitted me to depart without some sententious advice....

"Why so much ado," said the Master, "at my merely permitting his approach, and not rather at my allowing him to draw back?

Well, I must smoather all these discontentes, And strive to beare a smoother countenaunce Then rugged care would willingly permit.

Instead of discovering surprise, indignation, or dramatic dignity, therefore, at this extraordinary question, she barely permitted a smile to curl her handsome mouth; and this so slightly, as to escape her companion's eye.

You are not familiar with American shipping-laws which expressly permit the carrying of certain types of ammunition on passenger vessels, and you are, of course, quite ignorant as to what inspection of the vessel was made in New York, for you were in Germany at the time.

For the liberty of practicing their own mode of worship, they had sought these shores; and, having been permitted safely to reach them, they used that liberty, and were never unmindful of their religious privileges.

Marshal, then, to the notes of the Marseillaise, which I now generously permit you to sing.

Fortunately Marco permits us to suppose that this population belonged to the viceroyalty, or province over which Quinsai presided.

Pírán, however, observed that he was too young to be a fit match for the experience and valor of the Persian champion, and would have dissuaded him from the unequal contest, but the choice was his own, and he was consequently permitted by Afrásiyáb to put his bravery to the test.

Furthermore, the consolidation of domestic establishments, which slavery promotes, permits not only an economy in the purchase of supplies but also a great saving by the specialization of labor in cooking, washing, nursing, and the care of children, thereby releasing a large proportion of the women from household routine and rendering them available for work in the field.

It is the right of mankind generally to secure by all means in their power the blessings of liberty and happiness; but when for these purposes any body of men have voluntarily associated themselves under a particular form of government, no portion of them can dissolve the association without acknowledging the correlative right in the remainder to decide whether that dissolution can be permitted consistently with the general happiness.

So successfully have they recommended the cause of emancipation to the crowds that attended their lectures during the last year, that they were permitted on three several occasions publicly to address the joint committee (on slavery) of the Massachusetts Legislature, now in session, on the interesting matters that occupy their attention.

I lampooned Rajan Narayan in my columns occasionally, which Mudaliar permitted reluctantly.

The barber talked soothingly of making a discount on the bill; and I, looking at it in a strictly diplomatic light, gradually permitted myself to grow calmer.

It is permitted nowadays that a foreigner, if he demands it, can be accompanied by his legal adviser when he goes before the Juge d'Instruction.

Happily, too, shooting from the river boats is no longer permitted,on the regular lines, that is.

Nor is it inconceivable that God, without using error and evil directly as a means to truth and good, should passively permit error for the sake of the truth that He foresees will come out of it.

By John Cochrane, of New York: Divide the Territories on the line of 36º 30', prohibiting slavery north and permitting it south.

I confess that I have been imprudent and rash, that I have foolishly permitted a passion to take possession of my heart, instead of manfully resisting its inroads; but if I have been weak, do not believe that I have been wicked.

" Bashútan in the meanwhile observed to his brother, with some degree of dissatisfaction, that his enemy had come into his power, on his own feet too, but had been strangely permitted to go away again.

This statement was fully confirmed in an interesting conversation I had with the individual himself, who was subsequently permitted, as well as another Englishman, to send letters by me to their relations in this country.

And it was the Centre, or the majority of the Convention, who did this, by tacitly permitting it to be done.

114 adverbs to describe how to  permit  - Adverbs for  permit