44 adverbs to describe how to personal

There is in it the same delicate personal adjustment, the changing requirements of weather, health, temper, and season, of emergency and stress, that are to be found in the most purely personal relation.

W. was too busy to attend to such small matters, so I consulted M. de L., chef de cabinet, and we agreed that I should send all the correspondence which was not strictly personal to him, and he would have it examined in the "bureau."

Although these are not sent me, I have no doubt, being merely personals, but they will, when I should send for them in another name: till when I should not choose to wear any.

It is this intensely personal element that constitutes style.

" Moreover, there were troubles less intimately personal to him, but not less harassing to the household.

" A few more questions, mainly personal, as to his address, business, probable presence in Paris for the next few weeks, and M. Lafolay was permitted to depart.

Then followed other remarks of an educational kind; and when we came to those piercingly personal visions of railway stations by the same painter,those rapid sensations of steel and vapour,our laughter knew no bounds.

I cannot think of it without a revulsion of feeling that is strangely personal.

And hopelessly personal and selfish.

R114942, 14Jul53, Dorothy Parker (A) Songs of a markedly personal nature.

And why should a common headstone be more so than any other?" "I suppose it is," I answered reflectively, "that a churchyard monument is a peculiarly personal thing and appertains in a peculiar way to a particular time.

" They were both clever, but abusive, and exceedingly personal in their allusions.

But it was tacitly understood that there was nothing further to be said on that subject, and that the news of Myrtilla's life could hardly again take any more excitingly personal form than the bric-a-brac excitements of art or literature,though indeed art and literature were, to be just to them, far more than bric-a-brac in the life of Myrtilla Williamson.

The first intimation that Koltchak had of these conspiracies was a code message from General Evanoff Renoff to General Beloff, General Bolderoff's Chief of Staff, which unfolded many of the aspirations of these men, and showed their objects to be exclusively personal.

So exquisitely personal is the mood, that the subject itself has taken his biographers nearly four centuries to decipher!

Most of these verbal encounters were fought with all imaginable good-humour, over some social or literary topic; but now and then, when political passion was really roused, they took a fiercely personal tone.

Indeed, to the latter part of the talk, what she had contributed was no more than a question or two so flagrantly personal that they reminded her in review of some of her childish indiscretions with Wallace Hood.

ghly the personal and the commercial work of the Foreign Office.

The message in the envelope was in its way as impersonal as the ruby had been but Tony found it more hauntingly personal than she had ever found his most impassioned love letter.

the frontispiece of some distinguished biography, or hang in a gallery of the period among the few faces that were indestructibly personal; not the faces that have lived, but the faces that still go on living, the faces that are influences still, the unique, daemonic faces.

Unfortunately for the opponents and defenders of the document alike some of the objections urged have been flagrantly unjustifiable and based on false premises and misstatements of fact and of law, which seem to show political motives and not infrequently personal animosity toward Mr. Wilson.

One of the consequences of earnest controversy is almost invariably personal ill-will.

That is why newspapers of new countries seem often so outrageously personal.

But the poem is none the less poignantly personal.

The third founder of the Edinburgh and one of its most aggressive reviewers, until March, 1827, Sydney Smith has been described as "most provokingly and audaciously personal in his strictures....

44 adverbs to describe how to  personal  - Adverbs for  personal