15 adverbs to describe how to pits

The other was puffy and flushed, with a brick-coloured complexion deeply pitted by smallpox.

The labor organizations and the commercial companies and corporations pitted themselves against each other consciously.

Capitalism and Marxism are still pitted against each otherideologically, politically, culturally.

Up to August 23, there were no "victories" possible for either side, because never until then were the opposing armies definitely pitted against each other in an engagement in which one or the other must be broken.

Mrs. After-dayOh, that's she that was the great beauty, the mighty toast about town, that's just come out of the small-pox; she is horribly pitted they say; I long to see her, and plague her with my condolence....

If you can imagine what the Mansion House crossing would be like if called upon to sustain its midday traffic at midnightthe Mansion House crossing entirely unilluminated, paved with twelve inches of liquid mud, intersected by narrow strips of pavé, and liberally pitted with "crump-holes"you may derive some faint idea of the state of things at a busy road-junction lying behind the trenches.

In 1791, when the two parties were fairly formed and openly pitted against each other, a new element of discord had entered into politics, which added the bitterness of class-feeling to the usual animosity of contention.

These two great men were for a season perpetually pitted against one another, as the foremost competitors for literary favour.

Capitalism and Marxism are still pitted against each otherideologically, politically, culturally.

It has been found that the chamber pits readily if it is not carefully cleaned, with the result that the operation of the pistol is made less certain."

There are half a hundred varieties, and each tree furnishes three or four crops a year, hundreds of fruits as big and round as plum-puddings, green or yellow on the tree, pitted regularly like a golf-ball, in lozenge-shaped patterns.

Hence, with the exception of Burke, no one ever matched him in talk; and Burke, we imagine, although profounder in thought, more varied in learning, and more brilliant in imagination, seldom fairly pitted himself against Johnson.

His nose was long and beaked and disfigured, with nostrils of different shape, and he was undershot like a bulldog, and unusually pitted with smallpox even for those ante-vaccination days, when it was the ordinary thing to show the marks of this plague.

Her present ailment appeared to be small-pox; she was badly pitted with pins and a penknife.

Our limits do not permit us to discuss the relative merits of subsoil and trench ploughing, which by some writers have unwisely been pitted against each otheras if they were in reality methods of improving the land, either of which a man may equally adopt in any soil and under all circumstances.

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