17 adverbs to describe how to pleasures

Merely the pleasure and gratification of witnessing the speed of a fine horse, and the vanity of prejudging concerning it.

The Author having no revenge to gratify, and consequently no pleasure in giving pain, has purposely excluded the Works of all living Artists from this Gallery.

For it is so wonderful and so beautiful that methinks my soul can never drink its fill of the pleasures thereof.

The province of all art is not to instruct but to delight; and only as literature delights us, causing each reader to build in his own soul that "lordly pleasure house" of which Tennyson dreamed in his "Palace of Art," is it worthy of its name.

Tis very true Knight; we will suppe with them to night; and you shall see her; and now I thinke ont, ile tell you a thing Knights, wherein perhaps you may exceedingly pleasure me.

there we deem It pleasure great your form to view.

The countryman, who needs no such change of air and scene, will prefer more homelike, though more homely, pleasures.

Now, thou great lout, wilt thou not twirl staff for Nottingham?" "Ay," quoth Little John, "had I but mine own good staff here, it would pleasure me hugely to crack thy knave's pate, thou saucy braggart!

" "Not a particleonly a pleasure, miss; but the push I got from your pursuer upset me on the pavement and made sparks fly out of my eyes, and, before I could gather myself up, they were back again in the carriage and off.

I expected nothing less than a broken neck, and for at least half a mile, as we flew upward to the castle, I think that the certainty of naught worse than a broken arm would positively have pleasured me.

But even this interested me less than the tone of high and manly sentiment by which his conversation was pervaded, the feeling reminiscences of endeared friendships formed in those far-off lands, the brief glimpses of deep sorrows bravely borne; and I watched with a sweet, sly pleasure my aunt's quiet surrender to the old spell.

Probably no people abandoned themselves to pleasures more universally than the Romans, after war had ceased to be their master passion.

"Well, I do not know about thatduty first, and pleasure afterward.

[Sidenote: The author of the book of the East Indies.] and the other was borne at Enchuysen, whose name is Iohn Linscot, who did vs great pleasure; for by them the archbishop was many times put in minde of vs. [Footnote: He was really born at Haarlem about 1563, and left the Texel in 1579 to go to Seville.

Now, thou great lout, wilt thou not twirl staff for Nottingham?" "Ay," quoth Little John, "had I but mine own good staff here, it would pleasure me hugely to crack thy knave's pate, thou saucy braggart!

Who far from public rage Deep in the vale, with a choice few retired Drinks the pure pleasures of the rural life, &c. Then again: Let others brave the flood in quest of gain And beat for joyless months, the gloomy wave.

"We'll pleasure 'en, of course," he said slowly.

17 adverbs to describe how to  pleasures  - Adverbs for  pleasures