13 adverbs to describe how to plowing

As for Helma and Ivra and Eric, the house would not hold their joy, and so they dragged out their beds and slept that night in the new-plowed, sweet-smelling garden.

I considered myself a fairly good runner, but racing across those rough turnips and heavy, newly-plowed land in the darkness and carrying my gun soon caused me to pant and blow.

The white-crested waves gleamed in the sun, as we plowed bravely through them, and the wind steadily decreased in violence.

The land was deeply plowed, long enough before the time for planting to allow the spring rains to settle it.

Two things, in themselves of little account, delayed him: a small brook that crossed his path, and the freshly plowed fields.

In a conversation with Mr. Michaux on Indian curiosities, he informed me that there was an Indian mound on his farm which was formerly of considerable height, but had gradually been plowed down; that several mounds in the neighborhood had been excavated, and nothing of interest found in them.

The ground was hastily plowed and the seed as hastily sown.

He literally plowed his way through them and stopped deprecatingly before Billy.

They were plowing peacefully through the water when, of a sudden, there came a grating blow at the side of the craft.

Later they must be repeatedly plowed, hoed and otherwise cultivated and looked after and finally the leaves must be cut or gathered and carried to the dry house to be dried.

Then the ship could talk no more, her sending apparatus not being strong enough; but the faithful men at Poldhu kept sending messages to their chief, and the recorder on the Philadelphia kept taking them down in the telegrapher's shorthand, though the steamship was plowing westward at twenty miles an hour.

That swerve to the side saved him, doubtless, from the shot of Gregg; his own bullet plowed cleanly through the thigh of the other rider.

However, we thought of how differently the watchful buoy-tender would be regarded by the heavy laden freighters that would pass that way, their rusty hulls plowing deep.

13 adverbs to describe how to  plowing  - Adverbs for  plowing