6 adverbs to describe how to potted

Keep the mould moist, and when the plants are large enough to handle, pot them off singly in thumb pots, using rich, light, sandy soil.

Otherwise the assassin, since he had retained sufficient wit and strength to crawl into hiding, could and assuredly would have potted Monsieur Duchemin with neither difficulty nor compunction.

Do not pot too firmly.

When freshly potted they should be given a warm part of the greenhouse and watered cautiously till they are in full growth, when a little clear liquid manure may be given twice a week.

As soon as they are large enough to be shifted, prick them off into small pots, gradually potting them on into larger sizes until the flowering size is reached.

When the plants are fairly up they are potted off separately, and when they have started into growth the points are pinched out, so as to induce a bushy habit.

6 adverbs to describe how to  potted  - Adverbs for  potted