10 adverbs to describe how to prate

AG] couldst prate.

Did you not pitiably destroy Lentulus and his followers, who were not guilty, not tried, and not convicted, in spite of the fact that you are always and everywhere prating interminably about the laws and about the courts?

You an' your mutinous comrades prate loudly of bravery when there is no enemy in sight; but I'll lay odds that not one out of an hundred like you would dare go alone from here to the fort!"

"Fathers and mothers who prate hypocritically about keeping their daughters' minds pure; and then abuse a girl's ignorance, in order to sell her to ruin.

It were far better if such actions as that commandment speaks of were dealt with arbitrarily by some secret tribunal, than prated openly of before church and congregation" At this moment Ottilie entered the room.

He was bitterly jealous, but from natural curiosity yearned to know the details of those feats of which Froissart prated so triumphantly.

One who makes himself talked of, tho' it be for the particular Cock of his Hat, or for prating aloud in the Boxes at a Play, is in a fair way of being a Favourite.

Thou couldst prate unhappily Ere thou couldst goe, would thou couldst doe as well.

The maids are coming, how each gaily prates!

'Tis good to shift this ground; they may be charging more hidden villany while I stand prating heere.

10 adverbs to describe how to  prate  - Adverbs for  prate