15 adverbs to describe how to prattled

With the notebook already partly filled he felt certain of a niche in the Pantheon of Fame, and he could not resist a desire to prattle childishly about the sensation which his discoveries would cause.

I did but hold my peace, to hear how prettily she prattled Love:

We were queens of men while our youth lasted, and diarists still prattle charmingly concerning us.

" Mrs. Raines came in with tea and toast in the evening, and as she spread the napkin on the bed she prattled cheerily.

Tepidly, indifferently and rather amusingly she prattled on without ceasing, on every subject under the sun, and was socially a valuable help because where she was there was never an awkward pauseor any other kind.

He was still thinking of these things, and prattling mellifluously of quite other things, when the Lolotte luffed up under the lee of the little island of Alcatraz.

" Fly trudged along, prattling merrily, for about a minute: then she drew away.

" When not under the spell of mediaeval chivalry she prattles needlessly of Georgiana, early life, and their old home in Henderson.

The rough pursuits of the merely athletic repel him, yet he has the knack of assuming an interest where he feels it not, and is able to prattle quite pleasantly about sports in which he takes little or no active part.

From two deep pits between the bulging brow and the fat cheeks that nearly squeezed out the little nose between them, two black diamonds twinkled, full of wonder, as the small purse mouth prattled to itself softly and inarticulately of the mysteries of life.

Wellesley dear, do listen to that darling Hastings Clive, how sweetly he prattles!

Tepidly, indifferently and rather amusingly she prattled on without ceasing, on every subject under the sun, and was socially a valuable help because where she was there was never an awkward pauseor any other kind.

Tepidly, indifferently and rather amusingly she prattled on without ceasing, on every subject under the sun, and was socially a valuable help because where she was there was never an awkward pauseor any other kind.

They went over the common rooms and private habitations of the establishment, the director prattling unceasingly about the care with which the patients were tendedmuch better care, if he was to be believed, than they could possibly have had in the bosoms of their familiesand priding himself upon the results achieved, and which had earned for the place its well-merited success.

They invited him to join their walk, and prattled awhile, as acquaintance that had unexpectedly met one another.

15 adverbs to describe how to  prattled  - Adverbs for  prattled