9 adverbs to describe how to prisoners

Nicholas without a dog-team would be practically a prisoner for eight months of the year, and not only that, but a prisoner in danger of starving to death.

They were virtually prisoners, and their confinement created great dissatisfaction.

"Begone, you who are not of the blood of the Medici, both of you, from a house and from a city to which neither of you, nor your patron, Clementwrongfully Pope and now justly a prisoner in Sant Angelohave any legitimate claim, by reason of birth or of merit.

if there was passion on behalf of the prisoners outside, there was passion against them within, and the very opening of the trial showed the spirit that animated the prosecution and the bench.

" "It's all a mistake, Bob," said the prisoner, appealingly.

"He was dead when I come in the room, gentlemen," said the prisoner, strenuously.

The Lord Chief Justice at once set us free to come up for judgment on that day week, June 28ththe trial had lasted till the 21stand we went away on the same recognizances given before by Mr. Bradlaugh, an absolutely unprecedented courtesy to two technically "convicted prisoners".

The prisoners whom we interrogated, either personally or through the medium of an interpreter, declared that they were well fed.

Under the sizzling acetylene torches we had our first good look at these prospective fellow-travelers of ours who were avowedly prisoners.

9 adverbs to describe how to  prisoners  - Adverbs for  prisoners